Pit Bull Looks Totally Annoyed After Mom Won't 'Save Him' From Sister's Game of Dress-Up

CC Mary Swift/Shutterstock

Sisters. If you know the pain of being the only boy in the house then you'll know that sometimes your sisters get you wrapped up in their many schemes. Unfortunately for one dog, his human sister really wanted to play dress up one day. And video of the two getting caught in the act has his mama in stitches.

Who knows how long these two had been playing when the girl decided that her dog needed a little makeover.

Not only did @hiimrainy's daughter put a fetching chicken hat on the Pittie's head, she also gave him a little umbrella and staged it near his paw like a parasol.

Related: Pit Bull and Rescued Magpie Become the Best of Friends

The girl was taking a photo of her handiwork when the mom snuck up behind them. In the video you can see her dog give her a quick pleading look to rescue him and then...

"Then '[he] heard me laugh and was over it," the woman wrote. Sorry, boy. Mom's not going to rescue you this time.

Sadly for the pup people online thought this was sort of hilarious. "Awww haha he’s like, 'thanks for NOTHING' lol," joked one commenter. "He’s like 'you’re just like her ugh' LMAO AWWW," another person wrote. "His tail stopped wagging," one person pointed out. "He’s like 'oh …you’re a traitor too,'" chimed in one woman.

Prompting the dog mom to joke that her poor pup, "hasn’t been the same since."

Pit Bulls Love Kids

Okay, here us out here. We know the above video might not lead you to believe that Pit Bulls are the most family friendly dog out there. But it's true! They really are great with kids.

Pitties have a bad rap for being aggressive. But that's not even remotely true. These dogs are great for families, and when trained and managed responsibly, are great with kids. Pit Bulls were found by the American Canine Temperament Test Society as having one of the most stable personalities of any purebred dogs — along with another family favorite, the Golden Retriever.

Pitties can even be social butterflies of sorts. They love people and will live for opportunities to say to friends, family, and even strangers. That doesn't mean that the stigma doesn't persist, but aggressive Pit Bulls are the result of cruel and inhumane breeding practices — not because these dogs are inherently aggressive or vicious.

Who knows? Your Pittie might end up like this one. The only aggressive thing he's done is give his mama a serious case of stink eye.

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