Pickleball is a sport for everyone but it doesn't have to come at tennis' expense

Because the largest demographic happens to be the baby boomers, and we are no longer able to participate in tennis or racquetball at the levels we used to be able to do, pickleball is a logical transition from both.

Unlike racquetball, which is dying quickly because there are not enough young people playing the sport, pickleball has often become an outstanding option, with people picking up the sport as early as 14 years old. Everyone can participate.

There's room for both: Louisville doesn't need to convert tennis courts for pickleball.

Pickleball and tennis should definitely be able to coexist and it would make perfectly for area parks to have dedicated courts for pickleball, but not at the expense of the tennis courts. Keep the tennis courts in good repair and invest in pickleball courts and we all should be able to play nicely with each other!

Should parks include pickleball courts?Submit your letter to the editor here.

Ed Rosen, 40222

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Pickleball and tennis can coexist
