How do pets act at the vet? Watch veterinarians impersonate dog breeds on TikTok

Screengrabs from @drmollysays TikTok videos

A veterinarian clinic has millions of viewers in stitches over its viral series pretending to be different kinds of animals visiting the vet — from huskies to chihuahuas and every breed in between.

GoodVets at the Gulch in Nashville, Tennessee, has gained a following after sharing its lighthearted series, “If animal breeds were humans at the doctor.”

The clinic, known on TikTok as @drmollysays, recently started the series, which has resonated with animal-lovers

“This is hysterical,” one person commented. “I don’t know how you guys did this without laughing.”

Some of the breed impersonations include a nervous husky, an overly excited Labrador retriever, an angsty chihuahua and female cats.

Some of the videos mention common ailments for different breeds — including the stereotype that Labradors will eat socks, or other strange items.

“These are all so funny,” another viewer wrote. “New to the page, love it. I work in a clinic and these are so accurate.”

Fortunately, the vets see more than enough patients to pull inspiration from for their next skit.

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