Peter Dinklage's The Toxic Avenger reboot gets gory first trailer

the toxic avenger
Peter Dinklage's new film gets gory trailerLegendary Pictures

The Toxic Avenger reboot starring Peter Dinklage has released its gory first trailer.

The reimagining of the 1984 cult classic comedy film stars the Game of Thrones actor as the protagonist Winston Gooze, a cleaner who decides to right the wrongs in society as the Toxic Avenger.

The trailer shows varying news coverage after a spout of attacks. Alarmed eyewitnesses declare they "heard gunshots" and "saw blood" before describing that "a handsome fella had his arm tore off like wet bread".

the toxic avenger
Legendary Pictures

Related: First look at Peter Dinklage in cult classic remake Toxic Avenger

A news anchor suddenly announces that a "group of armed extremists, the Nasty Lads — they've taken hostages at a Miss Meat lunchatorium downtown".

The breaking news leads to the introduction of Dinklage's Toxic Avenger, the superhero who chooses to take matters into his own hands.

The movie sees Winston planning to rob his company, after his employers refused to cover healthcare for his terminal illness, but ends up falling into toxic waste during his attempt.

Instead of sustaining serious injuries, Winston becomes the titular supernatural beast with overwhelming strength, who is out to protect others who are bullied.

the toxic avenger
Legendary Pictures

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The film is directed by Macon Blair and boasts a list of stars. They include Lord of the Rings' Elijah Wood, Kevin Bacon, Jacob Tremblay, Taylour Paige, Jonny Coyne and Julia Davis.

The trailer's release comes after the movie premiered at Fantastic Fest 2023, where critics were quick to share positive reviews.

Collider branded the film "a bonkers and bloody delight", while Variety called it "largely a fans-only proposition, which isn't necessarily a bad thing".

The Toxic Avenger's general release date is yet to be announced.

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