It's the people that keep Tallahassee community strong | Blake Dowling

There is a lot of chatter about our wonderful “community” here in Tallahassee and I think that conversation is on point.

The Aegis team came out to support Blake Dowling at the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce CEO series this year)
The Aegis team came out to support Blake Dowling at the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce CEO series this year)

However, I think it should be in reference to “the people” more. You can have the greatest bars, culture, nightlife, coffee shops but without the right people you have nice buildings but no community.

I spoke to a group of executives at the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, CEO series event recently and I could not stop chatting and talking about the people in the audience during the talk. Almost every face in the crowd had a story that I knew.

Great stories from bankers to recruiters, media to accountants, lawyers to apparel maker, the room was full of winners that I have been blessed to meet on my professional journey. I have made Tallahassee home twice, the first in 1988 and I was adamantly against it. However, mom was right, I did indeed love it and the community (especially Maclay) welcomed me.

The second time around I was slightly more polished, not by much though. But once again Tally welcomed me back in 2006. Who knew when I met Davisson Dunlap in 1991 at a Gayfer’s Teen Board event (we were teen department store models, kind of a big deal) that 15 years later he would be the first step to my future career.

I guess in hindsight I should not have told him he looked like Vanilla Ice in our first meeting (he has an eyebrow thing going on). He would go on to introduce me to Steve Evans in 2006 who would introduce me to Aegis, which became my life’s work.

I started as an account executive at Aegis, and I fought my way to be CEO by 2016. I shared that story with the group as so many people in the room were also part of it and I wanted to give some thanks and shoutouts.

I also got to share some stories from our pandemic experience. In 2020, everyone at the office said they are going home. That’s great folks but someone must stay at HQ with me. Mike Harris, Keith Rackleff, and Jeanne Dowling (now all senior leadership) put their hands up. I salute you. Each day we did our 6 feet shuffle and stayed Professionally Distanced while in the office.

No joke, I wrote a book called "Professionally Distanced" " about our company’s pandemic experience.

To the young lady in the crowd that asked me at the event what book I find inspiring for leadership. I hope you are reading as I now have your answer. It is Isaac Willamson’s story of Steve Jobs and not for the reason you think.

I get why people loved Steve, but he was a tantrum CEO, no one has time for that. Tantrum CEO’s should be shunned and not celebrated. His partner Steve Wozniak sure was cool when he came to Tally a few years back. My point is for the most part you don’t see a bunch of leadership by tantrum in our neck of the woods and that is awesome.

Our company may be small, and our community isn’t the biggest but they both rock. That is what’s important. When you choose to make something your life’s work and pick a town to do it in, that is as big as it gets.

Sound hokey? I turned myself around and loved all the warm smiling faces that morning while I rambled. They included my awesome wife Jeanne, the Aegis family, my stepdaughter, our clients in the room and Melinda, Sue, Beth, Corrie, and Stu (thanks for coming out man) from the Tally Chamber team.

I will leave you with the joke I told to the group that morning as Chamber President Sue Dick, and I started the event, which no joke, broke the PA and microphone right after told the punchline. “I swear parking during legislative session is crazy, I saw a frog trying to park his truck in the valet lot and I told him, brother if you park there you are going to get…. Toad.”

Thanks, Tallahassee.

Blake Dowling models Launch Tally gear.
Blake Dowling models Launch Tally gear.

Blake Dowling is CEO of Aegis Business Technologies and can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: People make Tallahassee's community strong | Blake Dowling
