People Call Dog an ‘Easter Bassett’ After Hilarious Easter-Themed Trick

CC Aneta Jungerova/Shutterstock

There are some Easter traditions that we do every year; dying eggs, baking a delicious cake, and of course going on an Easter egg hunt. But a new video on TikTok might just convince you to put a twist on tradition.

The clip shows a Basset Hound owner putting all of those adorable face folds to good use.

"How many Easter eggs can you fit under a Basset neck?" the text overlay in the video from @billiebasset reads. Okay this is sort of brilliant. For the most part, the Basset Hound, Billie, was perfectly calm while its mom gently tucked Easter eggs into his neck. First one, then another, and finally a third. Well, not exactly. By the third the whole thing sort of collapsed. It's like Jenga! Except with plastic Easter eggs and a squirming dog.

With almost 700,000 views online, people in the comments section were cracking up. "Who needs an Easter basket when you have an Easter Basset," joked one person. "I don’t like it but I reeeeaally don’t feel like doin’ anything about it," someone else kidded, as if speaking for poor Billie. "That’s no Basset Hound. That’s an Easter bunny. Look at the ears," teased a third commenter. "Brb while I go find my Basset Hound. For reasons..." one woman added.

Why Do Bassets Have Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are perhaps Bassets most endearing quality. It's why people fall in love with them again and again. But it does beg the question; why do they have those folds anyway? Well it might have to do with the way Bassets are bred. Bassets are downright droopy, with long trailing ears and loose skin that's meant to hold in scent. While out on a hunt, those ears pick up scent particles and trap them in their folds. They later use that scent as a reference for when they're out hunting.

Speaking of hunting, Bassets are excellent hunters. Seriously, there's not stopping them when they're hot on a trail. Bassets will hunt foxes, hares, rabbits, badgers, and a whole range of other critters. Of course their ability to track scent is a huge advantage. As is their short stature, which allows humans to follow their lead by foot, and their white marks on their tail and snout, which help hunters spot them from far away.

So no, those adorable folds weren't exactly made for hiding Easter eggs, but it's certainly an adorable trick.

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