Paulina Chávez adds Latin flavor to Netflix series ‘Fate: The Winx Saga’

Anderson Group Public Relations/Special to Vida en el Valle

Fans of the Netflix series ‘Fate: The Winx Saga’ will be treated to a new, Latina character in the show about a group of fairies who attend the magical boarding school called Alfea in the Otherworld.

That’s where Flora – played by El Paso native Paulina Chávez – joins fellow fairies in trying to master their magical powers while dealing with love, rivalries and the monsters that threaten their existence.

The second season of ‘Fate: The Winx Saga’ premieres Friday (Sept. 16).

Chávez, who now lives in San Antonio, is no stranger to Netflix fans. She starred in the streaming service’s ‘The Expanding Universe of Ashley García.’

In her new series, Chávez breathes life into Flora, who is often very passive and non-confrontational. Those traits are reflected in her use of magic, and sometimes that harms her self esteem.

Flora is a nurturing fairy who protects the Earth and nature, as well as her friends and other people. However, she must believe in herself and her abilities.

Chávez recently chatted with Vida en el Valle to talk about her role in ‘Fate: The Winx Saga’ and other areas of her career.

Q. How did you land the role of Flora?

I kind of just got requested for an audition, if I was interested in it. So I auditioned and waited to see if I would hear back or not.”

Q. What is it about Flora that interested you?

“The fact that she had a lot of depth to her and she’s a strong powerhouse of a Latina.”

Q. Were you a fan of the first season?

“I heard of the show and my sister watched it. A lot of people recommended it to me, and I ended up watching it.”

Q. What do you love about the series?

“I love that we have a lot of female leads and more empowerment, which is very important and something you rarely see on screen, which is super nice. And I know a lot of people are going to love it.”

Q. What came first for you, acting or music?

“Well, I started acting when I was like seven years old. I started with theater. I did dance, act, the whole shebang. And from there, I wanted to do film acting. So, I guess acting first.”

Q. Do you come from a family of singers or entertainers?

“It’s something that I kind of came on my own. My paternal grandmother, though, was a really great singer and entertainer, really. And I think she would have been in the industry if we would have known how to. Yeah, ours was just trial and error. We didn’t know anybody. Just trying to find opportunities.”

Q. How is San Antonio as a city for artists?

“It’s a very diverse city, very full of culture. But even when I was beginning, I would travel to Dallas, Texas, because there was an acting studio that I really liked over there. And so my mom would drive me almost every weekend, which is like a five-hour drive to go to acting class. And so, yeah, I do love San Antonio. San Antonio right now is my home.”

Q. What’s in your future? Does college interest you?

“Something I definitely want to do in the future. I do believe college is not for everybody and really expensive and so I’m trying to save my money and potentially go to college. I just need to really do something that I really love. So I don’t want to go just to go.

“I was thinking about Mexican-American studies. That interests me and that’s where I’m leaning towards.”

Q. You’ve worked with Eva Longoria, who has a master’s degree in Chicano Studies. What is she like?

“She’s a great role model to look up to. And someone I look up to as well.”

Q. Outside of acting, what are your future interests?

“I think the possibilities are endless. I want to do it all. I would love to be a director and a new future producer as well and work on stories that I really care about and really matter and need to be told. I also would like to do roles that don’t put me in a box and so I can venture out.”

Q. Are you still into music?

“I’m writing, but I find that to be very therapeutic. And maybe in the future I will do something with that. It’s something that I really loved. And music is something I’m very passionate about and definitely something I need.”

Q. What can viewers look forward to in ‘Fate: The Winx Saga?’

“So much is happening this season. There are new monsters coming in. We have blood, new romances and some drama. And I think everybody is going to gravitate to something and it’s going to be a wild journey of a watch.”
