Pat Robertson claims Black Lives Matter is trying to lead ‘lesbian’ and ‘Marxist’ revolution

Beware the revolution.

Pat Robertson, the 90-year-old televangelist and host of the long-running “The 700 Cub,” went on an extended — and head-scratching — tirade regarding Black Lives Matter on Thursday.

“Of course, Black lives matter,” explained Robertson on his show before adding, “but that legitimate thing has been hijacked by these radicals.”

After accusing the Black Lives Matter movement of seeking to obliterate the nuclear family and capsize capitalism, he saved the whopper of his diatribe for last.

“This is a stalking horse for a very, very radical anti-family, anti-God agenda,” warned the staunch Republican. “We don’t want to go along with a lesbian, anti-family, anti-capitalist, Marxist revolution.”

In early June, Robertson criticized President Trump one day after peaceful protesters were tear-gassed away from St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House for a shamelessly brazen commander-in-chief photo shoot.

“You just don’t do that, Mr. President,” scolded Robertson on his June 2 program. “It seems like now is the time to say, ‘I understand your pain. I want to comfort you. I think it’s time we love each other.'”

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It was a wild week for Robertson, who earlier had interviewed former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. She referred to Black Lives Matter as being comprised of “transgender Marxists, transgender Black Marxists who are seeking the overthrow of the United States and the dissolution of the traditional family.”

Bachmann, who retired from Congress in 2015, hd previously warned of Affordable Care Act “death panels,” recommended to then-President Barack Obama to bomb Iran during Christmas and claimed gay-rights activists sought to end age-of-consent laws in order to legalize adults having sex with underage kids.
