Parrot's Hilarious Military March Around Sink Makes Him a Real Guard Bird

Shutterstock / korawik

One of the main reasons people keep pets around is for entertainment and affection. In French, the word for pet is “animal de compagnie,” or companion animal, and most pet lovers will admit that they don’t know what they’d do without their furry little friends.

But not all of these friends are furry. I am guilty of not considering of birds as being particularly affectionate or loving pets, but clearly I have to broaden my horizons, especially after watching this adorable video of a parrot doing his best “guard bird” impression around his owner’s sink.

In this video, a colorful caique parrot called Dobby (after the loyal house elf from the Harry Potter series), dutifully does his rounds around a bathroom sink. Ain’t no one getting at this water while he’s on guard!

Related: Woman Shares Cute Facts Caique Parrots Most People Don’t Know

His marching is precise and hilarious. Someone call Buckingham Palace. I think we’ve got a new Beefeater.

And though one might think that this caique was trained to walk in this adorable, if unusual manner, it’s all on him. Dobby just likes to do a little march. Caiques are known for liking to move and walk around in funny ways.

The Dancing Parrot

Caiques are a diminutive species of parrot native to South America. Their name, pronounced “kah-eek” means “bathing bird” in an indigenous language, but they are known by several other nicknames to pet bird enthusiasts, including the “dancing parrot” and the “clown bird” due not only to their bright coloring, but also to their irrepressible antics.

Caiques do not often mimic human speech like other species of parrots do, but they adore to play—dancing, tumbling, and yes, marching around for the amusement of themselves and their owners. They are highly social birds, and work best in pairs as well as with a lot of human interaction. These’ birds need plenty of quality time with their carers, and will happily play with them, do tricks and otherwise engage in enrichment activities.

Dobby is lucky enough to live with a fellow Caique, and they often wrestle together—but only when he’s not on duty.

Is a Caique Bird Right For You?

As with all tropical bird species, it is vital to understand that birds need as much interaction and exercise each day as dogs do. They can’t just sit around in a cage. They need a large space in which they can hope and flutter freely, as well as several hours a day of playtime. They are extremely social birds that do best in at least pairs.

In addition to the space and habitat concerns, it’s vital to give caiques an adequate, nutritious diet. They should be fed a high quality bird pellet, supplemented with regular feedings of fresh fruits and vegetables. If seeds are fed to the caique, they should only be as a “sometimes” snack, as a seed-only diet will not be adequate to meet their nutritional needs.

With decent care and attention, you can expect them to live up to thirty years. So if you’re going to get a caique, make sure you are in it for the long haul, and that you are willing to give it all the attention it deserves.

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