Parents Work With Local Police for ‘Next Level’ Elf on the Shelf Prank

Toy elf

Elf on the Shelf may be a fun tradition to entice kids to "behave" a little better around the holidays, but in this case, it looks like the elf was the one getting into trouble—per usual (those elves seem to be quite mischievous).

Recently, a few police officers helped a mom pull off an epic Elf on the Shelf scenario, and social media users are calling the favor "next level."

In a TikTok video by user brihorsley6 that was later also shared to Instagram, a young girl and her mom can be seen walking to their home's front door to open it for police officers who had come by with some news.

Turns out, the authorities were attempting to identify an intruder of the family's old house, as it was explained that they had recently moved into a new place.

Related: 85 Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas To Get You Through the Holiday Season

After explaining to the young girl that they'd encountered someone who "said they knew her," they were led out to the police car to find an Elf on the Shelf sitting in the back seat.

"That's Crackles, that's my elf! Oh my goodness!" the girl exclaimed, while covering her mouth and audibly gasping in shock.

"Well he was trying to get into your old home; apparently y'all moved," one of the officers reiterated, as the girl began to cry.

After retrieving the elf from the seatbelt, the mom said, "Well he came!"

"When you move and your elf tries to break into your old house," red text over the video read, alongside a crying-laughing face emoji.

The comment section was rife with people who couldn't get over how sweet and memorable of a moment it was.

"This pulled at my heart strings 😢❤️ This little girl will remember this forever!!! So Awesome!!!" one applauded, while another obviously became overwhelmed with emotion, admitting, "What????!!!!! I am trying to make myself some mashed potatoes and ugly crying. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️."

"This is next level elf game," a third noticed.

Someone else commended, "That’s really cute! Good job officers!"

"Crackles all buckled in like a felon. 😆," one joked.

"Here I am crying over a little elf 😢 💕," wrote another.

Related: This Elf on the Shelf Recreated an Eras Tour Performance—and Swifties Are Obsessed

According to Taste of Home, the premise of Elf on the Shelf is that "Santa's Scout Elves fly to the North Pole each night of December to report to Santa if children have been behaving (or misbehaving). The elves then fly back and hide in a new spot for the children to find him the next morning," (which is the part parents are tasked with—placing their elves in new locations and creating stories to go along with them).

The holiday tradition started in 2005 when Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell self-published the book The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, along with a special box with a small Scout Elf inside, per CNBC.

Cheers to keeping the magic of Christmas alive!

Next: 11 Elf on the Shelf Rules Every Parent Should Know
