How One Preservationist Is Bridging Black History with Black Futures

brent leggs
Why Preservation Matters for Black FuturesJulia Ludlam

“My family and I never sat around the dinner table talking about historic preservation or structure reports,” Brent Leggs says. As senior vice president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and executive director of its African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, Leggs’s life’s work is about preserving sites sacred to African American legacy. But little did he know that the stories of his community and even his family put many of these sites in his orbit from childhood.

While growing up in Paducah, Kentucky, he’d regularly pass a building perennially in need of upkeep just a block away from the church his family attended. “Come to find out years later, this was Hotel Metropolitan,” he says. “It’s connected to the story of the Green Book, thanks to two pioneering Black women entrepreneurs who opened up their residence as a motel for Black travelers during segregation. I had no idea that national history was sitting in plain sight in Paducah.”

At the University of Kentucky, Leggs studied marketing and went on to earn an MBA, but a chance encounter with the dean of the university’s graduate program in historic preservation would stay with him and ultimately redirect his career path. “I had taken some courses in real estate finance and was interested in development,” Leggs remembers. “And he made a very compelling case: I could combine my interest in real estate with history and preservation, which was new to me as a way to help revitalize Black neighborhoods.”

He went on to graduate from the two-year program. Soon afterward, he was invited to research Rosenwald Schools, a series of facilities across the South that were part of an initiative by Booker T. Washington and Julius Rosenwald to achieve greater educational equality for Black children. He learned that both of his parents had attended Rosenwald Schools, and the experience inspired something of an awakening.

“It was spiritual—the physical preservation of the evidence of Black history,” he says. “Ever since then, I’ve been devoted to addressing Black struggle and uplifting Black achievement through the power of place and historic preservation.”

In 2005, Leggs took a job with the National Trust, and the significance of his work became more apparent with each project. He helped launch the Northeast African American Historic Places Outreach Program, which worked to build a regional movement of preservation leaders saving significant landmarks in African American history. Cultural monuments like the Hinchliffe Stadium in Paterson, New Jersey; the Irvington, New York, home of millionaire entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker; and legendary boxer Joe Frazier’s Philadelphia training gym have been saved.

“These places help to honor the full contribution of Black America to our nation,” says Leggs. “Preservation is a through line for Black people to remain connected to our ancestors who, in the face of a racialized and inequitable American society, made outstanding contributions that moved our nation closer to the arc of justice.”

Through his work with the National Trust and the Action Fund, he’s collaborated with dozens of local leaders and grassroots organizations whose commitment has inspired him to persist even in the face of daunting challenges. In 2012, Leggs worked with Birmingham, Alabama, mayor William A. Bell on the city’s historic preservation efforts. The city had a plan in place that involved the partial demolition of the A.G. Gaston Motel, which had once served as the headquarters for the city’s desegregation movement in the 1960s but had been vacant for more than 20 years.

“Bell had a vision for memorializing and amplifying Birmingham’s overlooked legacy in the civil rights movement,” says Leggs. He advised the mayor to aim for the highest national historical designation for the motel. It was an ambitious goal, but Leggs worked with Bell and community leaders at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Bethel Baptist Church, and other local sites to make that ambition a reality. After presenting their case to the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service (NPS), they were able to secure national monument designation for the site.

In 2017, Leggs’s work inspired President Obama to work with Alabama congresswoman Terri Sewell to establish the Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument, of which the motel would be the centerpiece. “It was a beautiful example of how an empowered Black community can build on their cultural legacy of activism to make the case that national preservation of their history is an act of racial justice—and should be viewed as a civil right,” says Leggs.

Though historical preservation might seem to be a discipline centered on the past, Leggs emphasizes the vital role his work plays in shaping the future of Black communities. In the case of Hinchliffe Stadium, his work not only led to the site being added to the National Register of Historic Places but also contributed to its reimagining as a cornerstone in a revitalization strategy for downtown Paterson—a strategy spearheaded by a Black Patersonian, Baye Adofo-Wilson. “It’s beautiful to see how early foundational preservation work is leading to something transformational for that city and for our nation,” says Leggs.

He’s also seen the impact of community organization efforts in projects like the restoration of Clayborn Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. The 130-year-old African Methodist Episcopal church served as the meeting site for a strike organized by Black sanitation workers in 1968, and after its $18 million restoration is completed, the building will serve as a home for future community activism and advocacy efforts. “That’s why this work is so important at this moment,” says Leggs. “The legacies of these places create a blueprint for other social justice activists to follow.”

Even within the last month, Leggs’s work has helped to draw another important blueprint: an initiative to broaden the scope of the site operated by the NPS to honor the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education that was signed into law by President Biden in mid-May. Thanks to a collaboration between U.S. congressman James Clyburn and the National Trust, the site that originally included only Monroe Elementary School in Topeka, Kansas, will now span six additional sites that were impactful in the landmark Supreme Court case. The legislation represents a new approach to historical preservation, explains Leggs. “This new model with multiple sites across a discontinuous boundary allows us to be able to tell a more complete civil rights story.”

Leggs sees such recent achievements as part of a cultural reckoning. “In the not-too-distant past, historic sites were preserved to reinforce a white majority’s narrative and communicate idealized, but unevenly realized, American values,” he says. “Too often, the historic imprint of Black people has been rendered invisible in our national historical record and on the American landscape. A lot of the work is about combating erasure and the loss of American history.”

Patience is a requirement for a preservationist, he says—the typical restoration effort takes years of painstaking work and persistence to come to fruition. That work is not only worthwhile, adds Leggs, but also necessary. “I believe deeply that not until our nation values Black history will our nation value Black lives and Black bodies.”

Photo credit: Hearst
Photo credit: Hearst

This story was created as part of Future Rising in partnership with Lexus. Future Rising is a series running across Hearst Magazines to celebrate the profound impact of Black culture on American life, and to spotlight some of the most dynamic voices of our time. Go to for the complete portfolio.

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