The *One* Food Hailee Steinfeld Can't Live Without—And The One She Defs Can

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Photo credit: GETTY IMAGES

Hailee Steinfeld has had quite a year after starring as Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, and as Emily Dickinson in the last season of Dickinson, but she still knows how to put her health first.

Hydrating and eating nutritiously are a big part of her life–but they weren't always. Let’s just say her approach to dieting has changed a little over the past few years. Hailee practically grew up on set, with "incredible craft services" always available, but now, she's taking charge of her own choices.

At 25, the actress and singer has been working in the industry for nearly fifteen years, earning her first Oscar nomination for her role in True Grit at just 14. It’s no wonder she didn’t have time to cook her own breakfast.

These days, she fits in five training sessions a week and experiments with different recipes in her free time. Wondering how she’s mastered it all? Hailee spilled all the tea during her chat with Women’s Health. Here are all the deets on her go-to meals, must-haves, and exercises.

Hailee isn’t a fan of fad diets.

Let's get one thing clear: Hailee doesn't pay attention to the constant flow of new "tips and tricks." Instead, she is big on the whole "everything in moderation" mantra—especially since she’s got a major sweet tooth. “My relationship to food is rather simple. I eat when I'm hungry,” she says.

But Hailee also concentrates on fueling up on nutritious foods so that she can train properly. "I eat so that I can train, I don't train so that I can eat," she says. “And I feel I can perform to the best of my ability if I have that mindset.”


Recently, she’s been into juicing. “I've been waking up and making a good green juice."

But her habits change all the time. "I'm ready to switch it up, though. I can only do same thing seven times in a row,” she jokes.

For her pre-workout morning meal, she loves a big bowl of oatmeal. “That really fuels me for what I need to do,” she says. Then, throughout the day, she makes sure to eat other sources of protein.

Lunch and dinner

Hailee likes to keep things fresh, both in her own kitchen and on the menu. But when she likes something, she dives in headfirst...for a while at least.

“I'll find something I really love,” she says. “It's, like, all I'll eat for however long, and then I'll try and find ways to switch it up.” Suuuper relatable.

But overall, she tries to find key ingredients that she likes and then invents her own recipes using them. “I've been working on my skills in the kitchen. I don't go super far, but I do find it fun to just experiment, especially when I'm just making food for myself,” she says.


Although Hailee has fun in the kitchen, her demanding roles don't always lend that same flexibility with her snacks between meals. “A lot of the times too, it's whatever's available to you, which can be tricky," she explains.

“I feel like I had a lot of bananas during Hawkeye,” she adds, laughing.


The answer to this one is super simple. If there's sugar involved, Hailee is into it. In fact, she doesn't know if she can name a favorite dessert. But she's definitely a fan of a classic chocolate chip cookie: “Can’t go wrong." she says.

And the snacks at work help keep her sweet tooth satisfied. “Chocolate always exists on a set,” she says.

Hydration is key.

The number one thing she focuses on? “Drinking water constantly,” she says. It makes sense, then, that she partnered with Core Hydration, which she says has helped serve "as a reminder of the importance of staying hydrated and living that healthy lifestyle.”

She carries a bottle everywhere, especially for more physically demanding projects. “I try and make it so that I have no excuse.”

Photo credit: GETTY IMAGES
Photo credit: GETTY IMAGES

Her food habits have changed over time.

“I used to literally eat like a 14-year-old, constantly,” she says of her past diet. “My palate is definitely expanded.”

The one thing that's still a big no-no for Hailee? Beets. "I can't do beets," she says.

But make no mistake—Hailee has tried. A few days ago, she bought some golden roasted beets from the market, and couldn’t even get them in her mouth after cooking them.

“Do you prepare them a certain way? Is there a secret?” she asks, shocked upon hearing that I love beets. FYI: they taste great roasted in the oven with goat cheese.

Staying active keeps her mentally strong.

Fun fact: Hailee actually works out with her dad, who’s a personal trainer. It's not just a sweat sesh, it's time they get to spend together.

“He really sees my potential and he believes in me and he pushes me and knows what I'm capable of," she says.

Hailee acknowledges that the idea of waking up and going to the gym is sometimes the last thing she wants to do, but it’s always worth it. It's her "me time."

“I've never left a workout or a gym session feeling anything other than great and happier,” Hailee says. “Just knowing what my body is capable of and being able to challenge myself…it does something for you mentally that not a lot of other things do,” she says.

And, of course, she walks her pups.

“I love staying as active as possible, taking my dogs for walks and running around with them,” she says. “They're very small, so I just need about twenty minutes of that and they're good.”

She recognizes that making your own health decisions is a luxury.

Although she loves to push herself, balance is truly the name of the game for Hailee.

“It's all about finding your balance and understanding where you're coming from that day, and what it is you wanna achieve, and giving yourself grace and patience, and being kind to yourself.” Amen.

And Hailee also recognizes that there is power and privilege in being able to make your own health decisions.

“Eating healthy and taking care of your body isn't a task," she says. "It's actually a luxury to be able to go into a grocery store and pick out the foods that you want to put into your body and be in control of that."

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