Walmart Selling Tickets to 'Man of Steel' Sneak Preview


The retail giant of Bentonville is teaming up with the hero of Smallville. Walmart (WMT) announced Wednesday that it will give lucky fans the chance to see the new Superman movie, "Man of Steel," a day early.

The hotly anticipated film, which reboots the Superman franchise under the direction of "Watchmen" director Zack Snyder and "Dark Knight" producer Christopher Nolan, will be released on June 14. But if you're willing to line up at your local Walmart next month, you can score tickets to see it the night before. More than 3,700 Walmart stores across the country will be selling customers up to four tickets each for a showing at their local theater.

The sale will start at 8 a.m. May 18 and will last until your local store runs out of tickets. The tickets are for screenings at 7 p.m., Thursday, June 13. Some will be in 3D. Ticket buyers will also receive a free digital comic book written by "Man of Steel" screenwriter David Goyer.

In case you haven't seen it, here's the latest trailer for the film:

Each Walmart store will be selling tickets to a specific nearby theater; to find out which stores will be selling tickets for your own favorite theater, you can punch in your zip code at Walmart's "Man of Steel" page.

​Matt Brownell is the consumer and retail reporter for DailyFinance. You can reach him at, and follow him on Twitter at @Brownellorama.
