James Franco's Neighbors: He's a Nightmare to Live Next Door To

James Franco home
James Franco home

We'd always wondered what it would be like living next to a celebrity. Would they ever knock on our door, asking for a cup of sugar? Could we pop by with a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" cake? Would we be invited to their dinner parties, and rub shoulders with their other A-list friends over glasses of wine and pie? Well, if we're going by the latest celebrity neighbor complaint, these scenarios aren't likely to happen with James Franco. According to Curbed, Franco -- like fellow celebs Chris Brown and Meryl Streep -- is apparently a nightmare neighbor.

Last year, Franco purchased a small compound in the artsy Los Angeles neighborhood of Silver Lake. Initially, his new neighbors (who wrote Curbed a long, impassioned email) were pleased and excited to have the "Spiderman 3" star living next door. That was, until Franco began to run a big, noisy, obtrusive production company out of the house.

According to Franco's irate neighbors, the celebrity has allowed film shoots to take place on the property, causing large white production trucks, clothing racks, and hair and makeup sessions to block their driveway. The email details crowds of people mulling constantly about the property with business meetings being conducted right in front of their home. "Then [they] treat us as if we are eavesdropping sycophants when we walk out our gate to our car," the neighbors wrote.

Our favorite part of the email: "We like James Franco and we like some of his movies, but we're not so enamored of his presence that we are willing to give up our sanity in our own home."

Oh, these celebrities. When are they going to learn they can't just do whatever they want? In Franco's defense, however, at least he's not holding dog races by his property like singer and "annoying neighbor" Chris Brown, or allegedly building a dam in front of his house like "nightmare neighbor" Meryl Streep.

See also:
Helipad Plan Lands Pilot in Trouble With His Neighbors
Loud Laugh Sends Him to Court

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