Oklahoma police responded to a cry for ‘help’. It turned out to be a goat


Can you hear it?

In a post shared to Facebook, an Oklahoma police department copped to mistaking a spirited goat’s call for a cry for help.

On May 9, the Enid Police Department shared body camera footage that captured the moment two of its officers, David Sneed and Neal Storey, rushed to a scene where they could hear a loud call sounding like "help."

“It’s a person! That’s a person,” one of the officers shouted as he chased through a grove.

Having taken his partner’s conclusion seriously, the second officer dashes after the first. The video shows the two as they hustle past sparse woodland and arrive at a farm only to realize the situation is a bit different than what they were expecting.

“It’s a goat!” the first officer to arrive shouts, his voice a mix of deep disbelief and then relief.

In the video, a blurred-out figure can be seen coming out from a barn as the two officers begin to break into a laugh.

“I (thought) I kept hearing someone yelling ‘help,’” one of the officers explains, taking in the developing situation in stride.

“I’m standing outside in the backyard — I hear it,” the other officer says to the anonymous figure. “I don’t know if it’s an animal or a person. Sure enough, we were walking over here, and we’re like, that’s a person.”

With all three laughing, the first officer remarks, “From a long distance, sounds like help.”

In their post about the encounter, the police department took a good-natured tone, joking, “Sometimes a call can really get your goat.”

“Running toward the sound, the two soon discovered their damsel in distress was a very upset goat, who the farmer explained, had been separated from one of his friends,” the Facebook post read in part.

“Thank you, gentlemen. Your swift actions (although in the end not necessary) are appreciated by us all,” the department wrote in conclusion. “All in all, you really can’t say it was that baaad of a call.”

The city of Enid is located in Northwest Oklahoma, some 100 miles from Oklahoma City.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
