Okay, FINE, These 'Bachelor' Twists *Actually* Shocked Us

the bachelor
'Bachelor' Twists That Lived Up to the HypeABC

Ways The Bachelor has been described: "the most dramatic season ever," "unprecedented," "an unbelievable journey like you've never seen before," and—of course—"the most shocking season yet." And to be clear, these are all descriptions from the show's hosts: formerly Chris Harrison and currently Jesse "Speaks Just Like Chris Harrison But Is Not, In Fact, Chris Harrison" Palmer. Point is, this show is its own biggest completely delusional hype man—since, let's be honest: The Bachelor is pretty formulaic.

The general playbook from this long-running reality series? A hot guy who didn't get the final rose on The Bachelorette lets a camera crew film him shirtless and showering (or, alternatively, shirtless and working out), is trapped in a house with 30+ girlfriends, and has to send them home one at a time until just two women are left standing. He then proposes to one of them (usually at an extremely extravagant altar in front of the ocean—shoutout to the production design team) and breaks up with the other. The end.

However! There are some notable exceptions to this formula—a.k.a. moments so truly shocking that not even we, people who love spoilers, see them coming. We'll get to our full roundup of Bachelor Twists That Lived Up to the Hype in a moment, but one word that should set the mood for all of us? BARB. Or as she's known on the internet, Sweetnums. Kay, on that note!

Joey Graziadei's 'Unprecedented' Ending

Jesse Palmer would not, could not stop calling Joey's season of The Bachelor "unprecedented" and...turns out it was! Watching Daisy Kent break up with Joey at The Final Rose Altar™ before he could break up with her was definitely a first. (Not to mention, Daisy told Kelsey first and—in another Bachelor first—they rode together to the proposal.) THEN, Joey had to propose to Kelsey directly after being dumped, which 🙃. I guess that's how the Bachelor cookie crumbles, folks!

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And His Totally Incorrect Spoilers

We went through almost the entire show thinking Daisy had won based on Reality Steve's spoilers, only to have fans chaotically realize that Kelsey was actually Joey's winner. Like, right before the finale. Truly, I haven't been this seated for a season since the years of Pilot Pete's "freak accident." (We'll get to that in a moment.)

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Arie Luyendyk's 'Shocking Change of Heart' With Becca

Chris called this "one of the most shocking changes of heart in Bachelor history," and while nothing tops the MESS that was Jason's season, yeahhh...Arie ending his engagement with Becca on this depressing couch was a shock. Truly, the moment was so dramatic that ABC used a split screen so both of their faces could be seen at all times.

a man and a woman sitting on a couch

And Then His 'After the Final Rose' Proposal to Runner-Up Lauren

You'd think men proposing to their recently-rejected-at-the-altar exes would get old, but it really doesn't. And these two are still going strong, btw, with three kids!

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Peter Weber's 'Complicated' Ending With Hannah Ann and Madison Prewitt

Chris Harrison claimed Peter's season of The Bachelor was an "unbelievable journey like you've never seen before" and said it had "one of the most unexpected and complicated endings" he'd ever seen. Considering the show ended with Peter proposing to Hannah Ann, only to dump her on camera (in a "quick, get the cameras back out!" moment) and get together with runner-up Maddie before breaking up with her, like, 48 hours later, yeah. It lived up to the hype.

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Barb's Absolutely Iconic 'Bring Her Home' Meltdown

ABC teased Peter's mom, Barb, screaming "BRING HER HOME" for literally the entire season, and the moment we finally saw the full scene was perhaps the most powerful three minutes of my life. Sorry to my future children, but this is already my happiest memory.

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Peter's 'Freak Accident'

Peter's "freak accident" was teased for 84 years and ended up literally being this, ahem: Peter bumped his head on a golf cart, accidentally broke the glass he was holding, cut his face, and had to have some stitches. A (historic?) event that was so intense that ABC felt the need to STAGE A LITERAL REENACTMENT.

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Jason Mesnick Breaking Up With Melissa Rycroft on Live TV

I will never get over the AUDACITY of this man breaking up with Melissa on liiiive national television—but then again, it made for good television, so great job both of you.

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And Immediately Pivoting Directly to Asking Out Runner-Up Molly

Imagine watching your ex break up with the woman he rejected you for, and having him instantly pivot to you with nary a commercial break in between. This is the face I'd make too. (Though, to be clear, they got together and are happily married to this day!)

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Just to give you an idea of how hard ABC went promoting the twists and turns of Jason's season: This is the shot they used when they casually called him "the most hated man in America." A liiiittle extreme, but are we surprised?

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Peter and Victoria F.'s 'Most Awkward Date Ever' at Chase Rice Concert

ABC truly chose violence when they decided to hire Victoria F's ex-boyfriend Chase Rice to be the "surprise celebrity singer" during their date. These producers! They're sick! (Compliment.)

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Juan Pablo's 'Dramatic Finale Everyone Will Be Talking About'

Honestly, yes, accurate. Years later, I still gather strangers around a fire, shine a flashlight on my face, and tell them the story of Clare absolutely going off on Juan Pablo.

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Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi's Breakup Therapy Session

The twist? That this relationship was...not it. I, for one, have never wanted my body to leave my soul more than when I had to sit through their breakup.

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Colton Underwood's Fence Jump

Where were you when you first saw ABC's unhinged footage of Colton flinging himself over a fence to flee the camera crew? Perfectly hyped tbh.

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Brad Womack Picking Literally No One

Once again: the AUDACITY of this man making us suffer through an entire season of this show only to reject both his finalists. "I have to tell you goodbye" is forever etched in my brain, nbd.

Lest we forget that Brad returned for a second season as the Bachelor, in which he DID choose someone (remember sweet Emily Maynard?)...but it didn't last.

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Desiree's Ex Showing Up to Freak Out Sean Lowe

Sorry for the blurry screen grab, but what we have here is ABC trying to make viewers think that Desiree's ex showed up to declare his love in a surprise twist. What ACTUALLY happened? Desiree hired an actor to pretend to be said ex as a "prank" on Sean Lowe. 😐 Producers, you tried.

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Clayton Echard's Unhinged Chaos

Things Clayton felt the need to do, in no particular order: 1) Tell literally everyone, at the same time, that he loved them. 2) Tell literally everyone, at the same time, that he'd slept with multiple people. 3) Sow absolute chaos whenever he entered a room.

So yes, Chris Harrison 100 percent accurately called Clayton's season "unbelievable television" and "crazy drama." (Also a fan of his use of "the Rose Ceremony from hell.")

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When Rozlyn Papa Was Kicked Off

The scream I scrumpt when Chris Harrison had to awkwardly tell Rozlyn she was being kicked off The Bachelor for allegedly having an "inappropriate relationship" with a producer. Did! Not! See! That! Coming!

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Ben Flajnik's Mystery Contestant

Behold: a moment The Bachelor attempted a twist that truly didn't live up to the hype.

ABC tried (bless them) to make it seem like one of Ben Flajnik's exes was joining the season by showing us a montage of his contestants screaming/crying/throwing up (and saying things like, "This makes me want to punch a wall!") Buuut, it was just a former contestant who he pretty much immediately told to leave.

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Sean's Ending That 'You Won't Believe'

Another twist that didn't live up? When Chris Harrison tried to imply that something dramatic or unexpected was going to happen during Sean Lowe's Final Rose Ceremony by calling it "the emotional season finale you won't believe." We believed it, Chris.

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Teasing Matt James Potentially Leaving

Still here in another twist that didn't quite live up to the hype land. While ABC tried to imply that Matt might leave the show in their season trailer, we all knew he wouldn't, due to 1) spoilers, and 2) ABC's other literal own ads! We are not new here!

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Nick Viall's 'Dramatic and Emotional' Final Rose

Another true womp. ABC tried to claim this was one of the "most dramatic and emotional finales ever," but eh. Meh. SHRUG. It was just a proposal like usual! And not even on a beautiful beach!

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Ben Higgins' GUT-WRENCHING Finale

Sorry, make that "GUT-WRENCHING" (note the quotes!), because this is, unfortunately, another instance where ABC tried to get us to think something wild was about to happen, and then....Ben simply proposed atop a tropical altar like everyone else on this show does. You're not fooling us!!

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Hannah Brown Finding Out Jed Had a Girlfriend

Throwing a couple Bachelorette twists in here, because—while the show deserves its own list of twists (on it, don't worry!)—there are some too good not to include here.

Like, you know, Jed having a secret girlfriend—news that broke while The Bachelorette was airing, meaning Hannah and Jed had gone ahead and gotten engaged without Hannah being aware that Jed was with someone back home. Naturally, ABC went into panic mode and filmed their confrontation, which was—*muah*—messy perfection.

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Hannah Brown Sending Luke P. Home

After being literally kicked off The Bachelorette, Luke came crawling back for another chance—during a literal rose ceremony!—and Hannah had to send him home *again*.

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Desiree Hartstock Choosing Chris

Kay, this one wasn't a twist, exactly, but it was a HUGE SHOCK considering Reality Steve claimed Des picked Brooks. This is one of the rare times the spoiler source got a season wrong (Kelsey / Daisy / Joey being another time), and one of the rare times we went into a Bachelor finale not knowing the ending. These are the moments we, Bachelor Nation, live for!

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Clare Crawley 'Blowing Up The Bachelorette'

The trailer for this season involved Chris telling Clare "the path we're on right now, it doesn't end well," as well as "you've just blown up The Bachelorette." And I mean....not not! Clare's decision to ditch the show for Dale Moss lived up to the hype and then some—and plus we got to see Tayshia Adams take over!

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