OHS student signs up at Air Compressor Solutions

May 22—Diego Sanchez' love of welding has propelled him to an internship with Air Compressor Solutions and a chance to further his education at Odessa College.

Sanchez, 18, was surrounded by family when he signed an offer letter from the company Wednesday. He is scheduled to graduate from Odessa High School Friday.

The event was the result of a partnership with ACCESS, Ector County ISD Career and Technical Education. Last year, the company signed Brizzia Guzman, a Permian High School graduate.

Vice President of Operations Eric Timson said as a business, Air Compressor has grown 75 percent in the last year.

"A part of our core values is growth, both individually as well as professionally. We're excited about this. I know the owner is very excited," Timson said.

He added that Director of Administration Erica Pando has made a concerted effort to figure out how to have these internships.

"We want to engage with community. We absolutely recognize the value of folks that pursue the trades, that want to dive into that as a career. We want to make sure that we're providing the best opportunity for that, so we are very excited for that," Timson said.

He added that one of the reasons Sanchez was there is because of his family.

Before signing up with Air Compressor Solutions, Sanchez acknowledged that another company offered him a position, but he declined it.

"The reason why I declined is because there wasn't too much welding. That's not really what I wanted to do. I wanted to weld and that's why I joined this program. This company is really about welding," Sanchez said.

He also will be attending Odessa College and plans to study business and continue welding.

Mike Mills of ACCESS said the organization acts as a bridge that helps connect Ector County ISD, Odessa College and Air Compressor Solutions.

"But none of this would happen if it wasn't for the hard work and what ACS is doing; the hard work that Ector County ISD does every day with our CTE students and then the amazing things that Odessa College does to provide dual credit, to support our students that when they graduate from Ector County ISD, they walk out with certifications that have them ready to go to work right out of high school. That's a huge thing and we're just so grateful to live in a community where all those pieces can come together," Mills said.

Before signing the contract, Sanchez read it over.

Timson said the internship opportunity is something he's seen across the country.

"I love seeing that ACS does that kind of thing, very much embracing ... as I shared earlier, we're very much a fan of growth and so if we can help bring folks in that know what they want to do, and give them the tools to be successful, that is what we're 100% about," he added.

Timson said Sanchez will be attending school and doing his paid internship at the same time.

Sanchez said he thinks the internship is a really good opportunity to see how far he can go in the company.

He has been welding about three years.

Sanchez said he heard about the internship from his welding instructor, Nat Armendariz.

"He gave us a lot of opportunities. He didn't give up and I heard about it whenever they came into the shop. They're giving us how the company works, how it goes, and I really liked how the company sounded all of these descriptions they gave me and I really enjoyed hearing (about it)," Sanchez said.

He couldn't put into words what he enjoys so much about welding.

"I love it. I don't really know how to put into words. Every time I have my head on, I just like it. I go into my zone," Sanchez said.

"It's a blessing. I could ask for nothing more that I get to continue what I love doing," he added.

Going to OC means he can further his learning and his welding.

"I know I can do more in welding and more in learning and that's just the path I need to go to," Sanchez said.

He hopes to start his own welding business one day.

"I want to give a shout-out to my welding instructor and to my whole welding group ... They never gave up on us and I want to thank them for that," Sanchez said.
