Octopus Leads Australian Diver to a ‘Mysterious Structure’ at the Bottom of the Ocean

Unsplash/Serena Repice Lentini

It's well known that the octopus is extremely intelligent, and that they often are friendly with people. The Weather Channel shared a video on Wednesday, April 17th of a diver who got a once in a lifetime experience when an octopus grabbed her hand and led her to something that it had found.

Australian diver Jules Casey was familiar with the octopus and had interacted with it before, but not like this. The octopus grabbed her hand and led her to something that it knew didn't belong on the ocean floor. Watch as the octopus shows her the 'mysterious structure' it had found!

What an incredible experience for Jules! She said she was shocked when the friendly octopus led the way to what appeared to be a headstone with a picture of a man and his dog on it. Weather Channel commenters were just as amazed as I was. @Ohiochik shared, "Octopus are extremely intelligent. The more I learn about them, the more I'm in awe with the species." @Michelle Lombardi pointed out, "The octopus knew it was a foreign object and wanted to show them. So amazing!" and @Nicauris Lora added, "She made an association with the diver and the picture on the head stone, I'm amazed by its intelligence!"

Related: Octopus' Fantastic Party Trick Keeps Him Out of Sight While He Moves Around

Cool Facts About Octopuses (Yes, That Plural Form is Correct)

Since I started writing about animals, I've learned so many random facts about them. One of my favorite animals is the octopus because they are so intelligent and amazing to watch. We all know that they have eight arms, but did you know that octopuses have nine brains and three hearts as well?

Octopuses are known to be shy and usually friendly towards humans, they usually just want to be left alone. Their strong suckers on their arms can be dangerous if they lock onto a human since the suckers are hard to remove. But that's not the only way they could cause an injury. With the exception of the blue-ringed octopus all octopus could bite with their large beaks and inject venom, but the venom is not fatal. The blue-ringed octopus could kill a human with one of its venomous bites.

Do you know the difference between an octopus and a squid? They look very similar but there are two main differences: squids have ten arms and a more triangular head.

And here's a cool fact from Smithsonian Magazine, "To survive in the deep ocean, octopuses’ blood is powered by a copper-containing protein called hemocyanin, instead of the more common, iron-based hemoglobin in human blood. Whereas our iron-rich blood is red when it meets oxygen, the copper in octopus blood makes it appear blue."

The Smithsonian also shared this one that I only recently found out, "To prioritize their motherly duties, females stop eating. By the time their eggs hatch, female octopuses are either dying or dead. Their optic glands rapidly produce self-destructive chemicals, causing a rapid change in cholesterol metabolism and ultimately killing them." Males also die after reproduction. It's a one and done kind of event for octopuses.

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