NYC Pit Bull's Shopping Spree Is the Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

James R Lowe/Shutterstock

Everyone on TikTok knows Akira, the 'black Pit' for her colorful outfits and adorable dog shoes. Both her paws and her body gets to stay warm in all of her fashion choices, but the best part about her outfits is the way she fights Pit Bull breed stereotypes. Even though there are still folks out there who aren't fans of the breeds, pups like her could show anyone that they are just as sweet as other dogs.

If you don't believe me, just look at her adorable girls' day shopping spree! Akira was recently treated to a shopping trip at the Wagwear store in New York City, and--like the shopaholic she's becoming--she took advantage of every moment she had in the store. You go, girl!

Yep, it's official--Akira looks good in everything! This friendly Pit Bull's sweet, sugar-dusted face is as pretty as can be, but the ear bows, colorful dog collars, and fancy shoes put her over the top. It's impossible not to be obsessed with this four-legged fashionista's looks! And now that other pet parents have found out where her perfect accessories come from, they're trying to get in on the style, too.

Related: Dog Mom Gives Her Dalmatian a Shopping Spree and It Totally Rocks

"My mom is already on Google Maps," admitted Junie, the Gray nose Pit Bull puppy. LOL--I bet she's not the only one! Commenters are offering praise for everything, from her rainbow dog pajamas to her excellent shopping etiquette, and I'm not surprised if even the shop employees hope to see her again soon.

Benefits of Shoes for Dogs

I'll be the first to admit that I find it adorable when dogs wear shoes. The little boots are so small, and it's such a sweet thing to do for a dog's paws! Although not all dogs like wearing booties, there are many functional reasons why shoes for dogs may be beneficial.

In the winter, a number of paw irritants can be found on the ground. Snowy areas often use deicing chemicals, salt, and antifreeze for vehicles--all of which can cause irritation to paws. Even snowballs in paws can become irritating!  In the summer, however, hot temperatures can cause almost any surface to burn feet and paws. With shoes for your dog, though, you won't have to worry about it!

If your dog isn't a fan of shoes like Akira is, rest assured that there are still plenty of ways to keep your pup's paws safe. But, as this fashionista Pit Bull will tell you, no other options re nearly as stylish!

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