The numerology of 2024: Why it's an '8 year', and what that means

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Numerology is a spiritual practice that ascribes meaning to numbers. Each digit — and combinations of digits — have a different significance.

Like astrology, numerology has personal and collective applications. For example, your birthday can be reduced to a digit that is said to chart your purpose, called a life path number.

Each year has a number, too. Below, we break down what 2024 has in store, numerologically.

What is the numerology of 2024?

As a collective, 2024 will be an "eight" year, since the digits of 2024 add up to eight (if you needed a refresh, two plus two plus four is eight).

Within numerology, the number eight is ruled by the planet Saturn, just like the zodiac sign Capricorn. Saturn’s key traits are perseverance and ambition, so it follows that those ruled by Saturn find themselves in leadership roles. They have a serious nature and are up to the challenge (pretty much any).

So, when you think of an eight year, think of building, doing and creating. Think of unlocking your personal power. Think of razing down obstacles through will, and will alone. Think persistence and enjoying the fight. This is a year not to dream, but to make magic happen.

What does a universal '8 year' in numerology signify?

Tarot reader Blue June says an eight year marks a shift from the spiritual seeking that a seven year, like 2023, entails. Seven was all about introspection and curiosity. Eight takes that inner work and projects it outward.

“A universal eight year can be incredibly empowering because we are able to access all the fruits of our labor fairly easily, but it requires us to quickly shift from floating in the ethereal, spiritual enlightenment of the universal seven year we are exiting into assertive action and maintaining a well thought-out-plan," June says.

Astrologer Renee Watt provides some action items for people hoping to harness the energy of an eight year, and make steps toward materials gains or an expansion of personal power.

“Find the courage to cut out passive behaviors. Advocate for oneself and negotiate better pay. The universe favors those who are bold yet fair, so remember that finding your own strength doesn’t mean cutting others down. Stand firm in your resolve, believe in yourself and great things will manifest," she says.

Psychic medium and tarot card reader Sarah Potter recommends a technique for manifesting your 2024 goals using numerology.

“Visualize the number eight (or an infinity sign) before you go on a job interview or before asking your boss for a raise. Draw the number eight on a slip of paper and place it in your wallet to increase your wealth or draw it on the sole of your shoe so you walk with abundance wherever you go,” she says.

Why an '8 year' is considered a 'high vibrational' year

The most important attribute of the number eight lies in its symmetrical shape. The number is associated with flow — be it related to energy, material wealth or wisdom.

“This is a high vibrational number, representing the concept of infinity," astrologer and author of "Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power" and astrologer Narayana Montufar says.

Considering its link to productivity and power, an eight year could be a year that you veer toward overworking. But not entirely. Eight is all about balance, too. The symmetrical shape represents a link between beginning and end, and how nothing is ever really over.

An eight year has the potential for you to accomplish your visions with greater ease and excitement. But an eight year also has a built-in reminder to slow your roll.

Over the course of this year, you might feel lost in the hustle. Your goal will be to find the inner strength that can act as both an engine and a compass.

Do so, and you may land on another keyword associated with an eight year: Abundance.

Disclaimer: Numerology is not based in science. This post is not intended to act as a directive.

This article was originally published on
