Northampton: Mental health charity volunteers attend royal party

Two volunteers at a Northamptonshire mental health charity said it was "a dream" to be invited to a royal garden party in recognition of their work.

St Andrew's Healthcare volunteers Mary Oxley, 94, and Roger Brewer, 79, have collectively committed more than 62 years to Northampton-based service.

The pair were guests at the Buckingham Palace party and a service held at St Paul's Cathedral which Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, also attended.

Mr Brewer said it was "a perfect day".

Mrs Oxley, who had also met King George VI as a child, said: "It has always been a dream of mine to meet members of the Royal Family.

"It was a truly wonderful experience to be invited to the Palace and meet so many wonderful people, while also helping to spread the message about the excellent work we do at St Andrew's Healthcare."

Mr Brewer said he felt "so honoured" to attend Thursday's event, adding: "King Charles made a real effort to meet as many people as he could."

He said: "When he was Prince, Charles came to visit St Andrew's in 2000. I thought it would be helpful to write him a letter with photos of his visit, reminding him about it and outlining how the charity has developed since he last came.

"I also invited him to visit again. King Charles promised to read it, so I'm very hopeful that he will agree to return to see us all again one day."

St Andrew's Healthcare sign at entrance to hospital site
St Andrew's Healthcare provides inpatient and community mental health services [BBC]

St Andrew's Healthcare's voluntary services manager, Dawn Wright, who accompanied the pair, said: "All our volunteers are hugely valued, but Mary and Roger are two of our longest-serving volunteers having worked with us for 22 and 40 years respectively.

"They have both made such an impact to the lives of our patients, and it was a really proud moment for me to see them at Buckingham Palace where they got to meet the King himself."

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