There are no dangerous Fresno intersections — just distracted drivers on their phones | Opinion

Dan Wells// Friant Roulette

Put down the phone and drive

On April 15, The Bee ran an article for the most dangerous intersection in Fresno. Let’s get real about this: Any intersection is dangerous when the driver is more concerned with their phone than controlling their car.

It’s not how many traffic lights or about the placement. It’s about being responsible about operating their 3,000-pound car.

I do not know the answer for the problem, and I am sure our elected officials don’t, either. We can start by enforcing current laws related to the operation of a car. Or use common sense and get off your phone and drive like a responsible adult.

It is also much easier to blame the intersection or the design of that particular intersection. Case in point: Friant and Shepherd. Get off your phone and drive. Problem solved.

Just simply drive within the speed limit and be responsible.

Duane Opie, Fresno

Driving dangers, part II

In answer to The Bee’s question about the most dangerous intersections in Fresno: Anyone of them at any given time because it’s not the intersection. It’s the driver who feels their time is more important than your life.

Every store, bank, place of business in Fresno has security cameras. But not the most dangerous areas in Fresno, Fresno streets and intersections. Go figure.

Bill Dixon, Fresno

California is definitely a communist state

“’Communist California’ is a wildly wrong depiction” by Robert Summa is a wildly wrong explanation of California’s pell mell flight into communism.

A most notable recent example of this runaway train wreck is the $20 hourly minimum wage fiat for fast food workers passed by California’s Democrat legislators and signed by Democrat Gov. Newsom.


The theory of equal outcome over equal opportunity is a main tenant of communism. Taking away the opportunity of the states young new workers to acquire job experience and giving those jobs to people who are self-indulgent and uninspired towards self-improvement by advancing their skills and improving their lot in life on their own merit is a road to societal failure.

What working class will be ordered raised or lowered? A government that dictates a citizen’s worth and position in society is a communist government.

Earl Barnett, Visalia

Israel vs. Palestine

It’s tough to accept that 76 years ago, Palestinians lost the war they initiated against Jews, who had barely succeeded in the re-founding of a modest state in their ancestral homeland.

From 1881-1947, waves of immigration brought about 400,000 Jews to Palestine, as it was then called. Jews established a community there complete with cultural and social infrastructure. In late 1947 the UN voted for partition of the land into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The Jews accepted the terms without objection. The Palestinians, however, chose violence, vowing that “rivers of blood” would flow, rather than accept the indignity of having Jews as neighbors.

Palestinian Arabs have repeated this pattern over the decades. With every war Palestinians start and lose, they fail to accept loss, parading their grievances and making demands.

After 76 years, generations of Palestinian Arabs maintain their refugee status because establishing a Palestinian state would mean recognizing Israel. They want Israel gone, “from the river to the sea.”

It’s tough to lose, but if (Layla) Darwish and others bothered to face history and practice self-reflection, we might be on the way to a resolution of some of the world’s oldest problems.

Rachel Youdelman, Clovis

Back-scratching politics is no good

Why is it OK for our district attorney, Lisa Smittcamp, to endorse any candidate for re-election to the Fresno County Board of Supervisors? In this past primary on March 5, billboards were prominently displayed in District 2, Steve Brandau’s district, with her image endorsing him for re-election.

The board determines her department’s budget and her salary. It is a clear financial conflict of interest for any department head to endorse any board candidate.

As I read recently, just because an action is legal, doesn’t mean it’s ethical.

We need to elect representatives and DAs who don’t engage in “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch your’s” politics.

Nancy Schultz, Fresno

Trying to get a medical appointment

Just received an e-mail from Kaiser (hospital) telling me I can’t have appointment with ear doctor because they have no appointments open. Called in and spoke to a very nice lady who confirmed the e-mail.

At first she told me to call the office and report the problem. I feel bad because my first response was to lash out at her. I just felt like I shouldn’t have to do that.

After I put myself back in order, I was recalling the article in today’s Bee about the possible reopening of the Madera hospital. Then anger built up again.

First of all Kaiser is giving free medical to illegals now (no premiums and no co-pays). With this, plus the closing of the Madera hospital (which is mainly government funded, such as Medicare, meaning you and I funded). Now with all the influx of people having to go to Kaiser I cannot make an appointment. If I do get an appointment it is three months down the road.

I’m not a mathematician, but you can’t run a business with no money coming in. Gov. Newsom should be held accountable for the $100 billion surplus he had the last two years. That money could have opened many hospitals. Now we are billions of dollars in debt.

If this continues all of our hospitals are in jeopardy of closing. Remember the saying, “You can’t rob Peter to pay Paul.”

Joyce Reed, Clovis
