Nikki Haley is just the latest Republican to lose their spine and vow to vote for Trump

I’m a Democrat, but I had a tiny glimmer of hope that there was one prominent Republican who would not kiss Trump’s ring.

A woman might be stronger than the men in the old boys’ club, and good for her! Nikki Haley was convincing when she campaigned in the Republican primary, positioning herself as an alternative for Republicans who are fed up with Trump. She acquired an impressive following. They were duped by her.

We know now that she never meant what she said.

Haley was passionate when she called Trump “unhinged,” said he was “not qualified to be the president of the United States.” She ripped him for his pro-Russia stand and for insulting her husband, who serves in the military.

'I will be voting for Trump': Nikki Haley says who she will vote for in 2024 elections
'I will be voting for Trump': Nikki Haley says who she will vote for in 2024 elections

Now she’s bowing and scraping, too, just like the old boys.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said in a powerful speech after the Jan. 6 insurrection: “There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.” Now he’s voting for Trump.

Bill Barr, former attorney general, said Trump should be “nowhere near the Oval office,” that a second Trump term would be a “horror show.” Now he says he’ll vote for Trump.

So will Nikki Haley.

Incredibly, these Republicans will endorse someone they believe is unhinged, unfit for the Oval office, who provoked violence when he didn’t win the 2020 election, who is, in Haley’s words, a “dangerous” man.

She got it right the first time, before she lost her spine.

Phyllis Gobbell, Nashville 37205

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This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: 2024 elections: Nikki Haley duped voters by vowing to vote for Trump
