Nicolas Cage says his earliest memory is from inside his mother’s womb

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There’s never a dull moment when Nicolas Cage is being interviewed.

On May 2, the 59-year-old actor stopped by “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to promote his new film “Renfield,” where he plays a version of Dracula.

During the sit-down, host Stephen Colbert said he wanted to truly get to know Cage in a short amount of time. So he asked the “Con Air” star a series of questions that ranged from mundane to profound as part of his beloved segment “The Colbert Questionert.”

Before the questionnaire started, Colbert asked if Cage was prepared to have the world know personal details about him. Cage joked, “I guess I’m finally prepared to no longer be anonymous and be known.”

Colbert was initially curious to learn a few simple facts about Cage, like his favorite sandwich, first concert, scariest animal and if he prefers apples or oranges.

He then posed an existential question. “What do you think happens when we die?” the comedian asked.

“Oh, wow. Nobody really knows, I don’t know,” Cage began. “I think they say that electricity is forever, eternal. That the spark keeps going. I’d like to think whatever spark is animating our bodies, once the body passes on, that the spark continues to go.”

He added, “But whether or not that electricity has consciousness or not, who could really say?”

The talk show host continued with his list of questions. He learned Cage’s favorite action movie, favorite and least favorite smells and if he enjoys sitting in a window or aisle seat.

Colbert then asked the Oscar-winner to share his earliest memory.

The “Moonstruck” star said, “Wow, I don’t remember,” as the audience laughed.

After taking a moment, Cage replied, “Listen, I know this sounds really far out and I don’t know if it’s real or not, but sometimes I think I can go all the way back to in utero and feeling like I could see like faces in the dark or something.”

He concluded, “I know that sounds powerfully abstract, but that somehow seems like maybe it happened.”

Colbert wondered if the faces Cage remembered were of other people with him in his mother’s womb or “these things that (his) prenatal mind was conjuring.”

Cage further explained, “Now that I am no longer in utero, I would have to imagine it was perhaps vocal vibrations resonating through to me in that stage. That’s going way back, so I don’t know. That comes to mind.”

Although some might find the answer slightly eccentric, Colbert was on board.

“I buy it,” he told his guest. “I do. You’re Nic Cage. Who am I to say you don’t remember being in utero?”

The prolific actor laughed and said, “I don’t even know if I remember being in utero, but that thought has crossed my mind.”

Next, Cage revealed he likes cats more than dogs. He also chose “Happy Birthday” as the one song to listen to for the rest of his life because he takes his birthday celebrations “very seriously” and enjoys the singing ritual.

Colbert saved his most thoughtful question for last.

“Describe the rest of your life in five words,” he said.

Cage immediately responded, “Loving, compassionate, electric, effective.”

He struggled to choose hilarious or healthy as his final word. Cage and Colbert decided he could be “hilariously healthy” before the segment ended.

This article was originally published on
