Nia Long, Larenz Tate Set For ‘Love Jones’ Reunion At CultureCon

Nia Long and Larenz Tate are set to recapture their Love Jones magic at the upcoming 2022 CultureCon.

According to Variety, the 4th annual convention will be presented by Creative Collective NYC and commemorate the film’s 25th anniversary with the duo headlining the Creative Genius conversation on October 8. Long and Tate will lead a discussion celebrating the most impactful creatives behind the culture.

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Some fans consider New Line Cinema’s Love Jones a ‘90s classic. The sensual poetry-driven love story between Darius Lovehall (Tate) and Nina Mosley (Long) grossed $12.5 million at the domestic box office in 1997. And the cast wasn’t the only stellar part of the film. Love Jones: The Music soundtrack is home to various R&B classics. Tracks like “The Sweetest Thing,” performed by Refugee Camp All-Stars featuring Lauryn Hill, became hits in their own right.

Along with the Love Jones reunion, CultureCon NYC 2022 will include “exclusive screenings, networking events, and activations for creatives and young professionals of color, all leading up to the big conference day.” The conference will be divided into two main stages: the Culture and the Creator Workshop Stage. At the Culture Stage, “creative forces will inspire the community,” while “creatives will be able to come and learn specific skills” at the Creator Workshop Stage.

Furthermore, attendees can visit the Activation Alley. A slew of activations dedicated to recruiting diverse and multi-faceted talent. Activation Alley will also feature the Small Business Market, an initiative that “empowers guests to shop from Black and Brown-owned brands.”

CultureCon NYC 2022 is presented by HBO Max with significant partners including LinkedIn, Cash App, Square, Meta’s We The Culture, Nike Yardrunners, Netflix, Audible, Disney’s Onyx Collective, TikTok, Prime Video, Foot Locker, Condé Nast, Clinique, and more.

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