NH Voter ID bill would require hard proof. Opponents argue life doesn’t always cooperate.

House Bill 1569 would require anyone seeking to register to vote in New Hampshire to bring proof of citizenship. Here, voters cast their ballots at Amherst Street School in Nashua during the Jan. 23, 2024, New Hampshire primary.
House Bill 1569 would require anyone seeking to register to vote in New Hampshire to bring proof of citizenship. Here, voters cast their ballots at Amherst Street School in Nashua during the Jan. 23, 2024, New Hampshire primary.

The house on Little Hill Road had stood for centuries, ever since Enoch Little constructed the timber frame walls in the 1770s and carved the date into the rafters. It stood until one horrific night in January 2017, when an early morning fire consumed the Webster home, razing it to the ground.

Inside the house that night were Susan Youngs and her husband, her daughter and boyfriend, and a few friends staying the night after a dinner party Youngs had hosted that evening, one of her favorite activities in the beloved colonial home. As smoke and heat rose from downstairs, Youngs and her guests took a stairwell from the second floor and out the front door just in time. Her husband tried a different way down.

By the end of the night, the house lay in ashes and Youngs’ husband, trapped downstairs, had died. Far from her mind were the key documents – the birth certificate, marriage certificate, and passport – that had been lost to the flames.

“It burned totally,” she said in an interview. “All that was left was a hole in the ground and one of the chimneys.”

Seven years later, a bill that would require some of those documents in order to register to vote is bringing those memories back.

House Bill 1569 would require anyone seeking to register to vote in New Hampshire to bring proof of citizenship, such as a passport or original birth certificate, even if registering on Election Day. The bill would do away with the current process that allows voters to sign an affidavit asserting on penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens if they don’t have their documents.

“This bill removes any exceptions for proving voter identification,” the legislation’s summary reads.

Supporters say the bill is designed to keep the state’s elections secure by requiring hard proof. But to Youngs, that rigid approach ignores the situations of people like her, who may suddenly find those documents out of reach.

“I had only a flannel nightgown that I was wearing when I ran out of the house,” she said. “So I had no clothes. No belongings. Nothing.”

Currently, those who move to a new town or municipal voting ward may register to vote before an election or on Election Day. When a resident does so, they must prove their identity, their age, and show evidence that they are domiciled. They must also attest that they are a citizen. If they do not have the proper documents, they may sign an affidavit on Election Day and must provide proof of domicile to their town clerk within seven days of the election.

A new registrant is not directly required to prove their citizenship, but by signing the affidavit and voting, they can later be prosecuted if the Attorney General’s Office finds that they were not a citizen.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Bob Lynn, argues the state needs to require the documentation upfront, and that allowing residents to sign an affidavit professing their citizenship is not good enough.

“It seems to me that it is not a good system that allows someone, where you’re supposed to have all this stuff, the documentation in the four areas, (to be) able to say, in effect, ‘Well I don’t have that, but I swear that that is all true,’” he said at a hearing Tuesday. “And we just sort of have to accept that.”

Speaking to lawmakers, Lynn, the former chief justice of the state Supreme Court, said most voters should be able to access their birth certificate. And he added that those who can’t should think ahead and obtain them in the weeks or months before an election. Voting is a right, Lynn argued, but those who want to exercise it should plan ahead.

“If I want to vote in 10 minutes, I shouldn’t have started thinking about it 10 minutes ago,” he said. “I should have started thinking about it a while ago so that I could make sure I can do what I need to do to be able to vote. I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

And addressing situations where voters lose their documents or are suddenly displaced, Lynn said those residents should be able to find neighbors or town officials who recognize them and can vouch for their identity and citizenship.

“I would think that a reasonable election official would accept that under those circumstances,” he said.

For Youngs, the weeks after the fire were a grisly mix of the practical and the profound, as she grieved her husband and navigated the minefield of insurance claims, financial decisions, and living arrangements that fell into her lap. She reached out to her hometown of Decorah, Iowa, to get her birth certificate and marriage certificate, a process that took weeks.

If there had been an important election around the corner, Youngs would have tried to vote, she says today. And she believes that the Webster election officials would have known her well enough to let her do so without documents by confirming her identity themselves – an exception to Lynn’s bill. But she argued that others, especially those in cities, might not be so lucky.

“They can verify my identity, but if I lived in Manchester, they wouldn’t have known me,” she said.

Lynn’s bill is back for the second year in a row; in 2023, the House Election Law Committee deadlocked 10-10 along party lines on whether to recommend a similar version of it, and the full House tabled it along with a slew of other election bills in order to keep their workload down during a budget year.

This year, the vote on the House floor could be close.

Opponents of the bill said that it could affect a number of residents – whether they knew to plan ahead or not.

Some residents who haven’t voted in a while might show up at the polling place to find that they are removed from the voting rolls, a process the state undertakes every 10 years. Those voters would need to procure their citizenship documents, and would not be able to vote if they couldn’t get them in time before the polls closed.

Others might have other circumstances that could make accessing their documents difficult, such as domestic violence victims who had fled their home or victims of fires like Youngs, opponents said.

And for those who find that their passports are expired or their birth certificates lost, opponents say obtaining new ones could be expensive and time-consuming, factors that could both result in them not being able to vote even if they try to plan ahead.

“We think this will impact hundreds if not thousands of people in the upcoming presidential election and across the political spectrum,” said Henry Klementowicz, senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, during a press conference Tuesday by opponents of the bill.

Andrew Harmon says he’s one of them. On Thanksgiving 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Harmon, now 38, moved from his apartment in Keene to live with his mother in New Hampton. His grandmother, who lived in the Lakes Region, had been suffering from Parkinson’s dementia and Harmon wanted to join his mom and help out more.

What began as a temporary move gradually became permanent, and by spring 2021, Harmon considered himself a resident of New Hampton. He wanted to vote in the annual town meeting there, and attempted to register to vote on Election Day. But Harmon did not have proof of domicile with him, and town officials said the California birth certificate he had brought was the wrong format.

Harmon voted with an affidavit, returned within seven days to produce the domicile documents, and applied with his mom to receive an updated copy of his birth certificate for the future. But had HB 1569 passed, he worries he would not have been allowed to vote at all.

“Any kind of tool we have to be able to allow someone to vote is precious, and should not be taken away,” he said in an interview Wednesday.

Today, Youngs still lives on Little Hill Road on the same property she did before. She used home insurance to rebuild, specifying that the foundation be a timber frame. It’s more modern, and not as big, but the view of Mt. Kearsarge is the same.

“Things happen and they’re things that you can’t control,” she said. “They are things that you don’t plan for, but they happen even if you’re doing everything right.”

Shortly before the fire, Youngs and her husband had planned a trip to Norway, a five day journey up the coast. In March 2017, she went as planned to honor him, bringing a friend in his place. The passport arrived just in time.

This story was originally published by the New Hampshire Bulletin.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: NH Voter ID bill would require hard proof at polls
