The Next Generation of European Monarchs Are Together in London for King Charles's Coronation

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Next Generation of European MonarchsGetty Images (4)

At Buckingham Palace on the eve of the coronation, King Charles and the rest of the British royal family hosted a reception for guests who traveled from outside the United Kingdom—including royalty from around the world.

coronation reception for overseas guests
Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden, poses with her father, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.Chris Jackson - Getty Images

In attendance at the reception were six future European monarchs: Prince William, heir to the British throne; Princess Victoria, heir to the Swedish throne; Prince Haakon, heir to the Norwegian throne; Princess Catharina-Amalia, heir to the Dutch throne; Prince Frederik, heir to the Danish throne; and Princess Elisabeth, heir to the Belgian throne. Of the seven modern kingdoms in Europe, only one heir missing: Princess Leonor of Spain, heir to the Spanish throne.

In addition to the European heirs, there were three other crown princes from around the world: Prince Fumihito, heir to the Japanese throne; Prince Mishal, heir to the Kuwaiti throne; and Theyazin bin Haitham, the heir to the Omani throne.

coronation reception for overseas guests
Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant, poses for a photograph with her dad, King Philippe. Chris Jackson - Getty Images

Princess Catharina-Amalia and Princess Elisabeth will not be in attendance at the coronation tomorrow at Westminster Abbey, but joined for the reception. Reportedly, foreign royal families only got two seats at the coronation—so the Netherland royal family opted to send King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to the service, but Princess Catharina-Amalia and her grandmother, Princess Beatrix, to the reception. The Belgian royals will send King Philippe and Queen Mathilde to the service, but Princess Elisabeth took her mother's spot for the reception.

Many of these royal families are not only friends, but also distantly related—in fact, four of the six heirs to the throne at Buckingham Palace today are direct descendants of Queen Victoria (who was known as the grandmother of Europe): Prince William, Prince Haakonm Prince Frederik, and Princess Victoria.

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