When is the next full moon? First lands in January 2024

The first full moon of 2024 is happening Thursday, Jan. 25. Peak illumination will be at 10:54 p.m. Mountain time.

Full moons take place approximately every 29 1/2 days when the moon is directly opposite the sun, according to National Geographic.

And interestingly, every full moon has its own name. The one for January is called the Wolf Moon. Names of full moons have been passed down generationally by Native Americans and were used to track the seasons, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Here is the schedule of full moons.

A woman walked on the roof of the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon, as a full supermoon rises in the background, in September of 2023.
A woman walked on the roof of the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon, as a full supermoon rises in the background, in September of 2023.

Jan. 25: Wolf Moon

The January moon, known as the Wolf Moon, was named after the howling wolves heard during this time of year.

The Old Farmer's Almanac says "many sources state that wolves howled due to hunger." Really, "wolves howl to define their territory, locate other pack members, reinforce social bonds, and gather for hunting."

Feb. 24: Snow Moon

The February moon is named after the weather, as the month is a typical time to see heavy snowfall.

March 25: Worm Moon

The Old Farmer's Almanac says this term was originally believed to refer to earthworms spotted in thawing spring soil. However, in the late 1700s, Jonathan Carver wrote that the name refers to another kind of worm "which emerge from the bark of trees and other winter hideouts around this time."

April 23: Pink Moon

April's full moon is named after a species of wildflower. The wild ground phlox was "moss pink" in appearance and one of the first wildflowers to sprout in the spring season.

May 23: Flower Moon

The flower moon earned its name from the abundance of blooming flowers during this month.

June 21: Strawberry Moon

In northeastern United States, June is the perfect month for gathering ripe strawberries, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.

July 21: Buck Moon

Male deer, known as bucks, shed their antlers each year. In this month, bucks begin to regrow their antlers, hence this month's full moon name.

Aug. 19: Sturgeon Moon

North American fishing tribes named the August moon after this fish due to their availability for catch in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.

Sept. 17: Harvest Moon

Perhaps the most well-known full moon name, the Harvest Moon, refers to the time of year when crops are harvested. This moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Oct. 17: Hunter's Moon

This month is "when game is fattened up for winter." The Hunter's Moon is the first full moon following the Harvest Moon. This moon is particularly bright and long, allowing hunters to track their prey at night, according to National Geographic.

Nov. 15: Beaver Moon

The origins of this full moon aren't entirely known for certain, according to National Geographic.

Some say the moon refers to Native Americans' use of beaver traps, while others believe the name refers to the high level of activity for the animals in building their winter dams during November.

Dec. 15: Cold Moon

The Cold Moon receives its name from the weather of December, which is typically cold with long nights.

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María Cortés González may be reached at 915-546-6150; mcortes@elpasotimes.com, @EPTMaria on Twitter; eptmariacg on TikTok.The Willmington Star News contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: Next full moon 2024: list of moons for rest of year
