Tiffany Henyard addresses property taxes, finances amid misappropriation allegations

THORNTON TOWNSHIP, Ill. - Thornton Township Supervisor and Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard hosted a "Township Talk" meeting on Wednesday, where around 30 residents gathered to discuss various community issues.

Henyard and her staff highlighted upcoming events and resources available for seniors and struggling families, but the primary focus of the meeting was on property taxes and township finances. Henyard demonstrated to residents how their property taxes have increased each year, contrary to suggestions by some local mayors.

Staffers distributed a financial breakdown of the township's finances from 2017 to the present. Henyard's team claimed that the township was previously in a deficit but now boasts a $6 million surplus under her administration.

The meeting came one day after FOX 32's Dane Placko reported alleged misappropriation of funds by Henyard. According to credit card records obtained by FOX 32, Henyard spent more than $9,100 on a trip to Washington D.C. in January for a U.S. Conference of Mayors. The expenses, charged to a Thornton Township credit card, included conference fees, plane tickets for Henyard and her assistant Keith Freeman, hotel rooms, and a rental car.

Henyard, who attended the conference as the Mayor of Dolton, faces criticism over the transparency of the expenses and the use of township funds. During the meeting, Henyard defended the expenses, stating, "There's a budget for travel and it's legal." She dismissed the allegations as part of a smear campaign, noting that she is up for re-election next year for both her mayoral and supervisor positions.

The FBI is currently investigating Henyard and her team in Dolton following several reports of misconduct.

