Spring Hill teen arrested for child porn, deputies say

SPRING HILL, Fla. - According to the Hernando County Sheriff's Office, a 14-year-old Spring Hill boy was arrested for possessing child pornography on Wednesday.

Detectives say they initially received information about the possession of child porn on March 16.

They identified the Spring Hill teen as a possible suspect and got a search warrant for his online accounts, according to the sheriff's office.

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Officials say the warrant was severed to the 14-year-old's social media provider. After reviewing the contents of his account, detectives say they found three files of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

On Wednesday, authorities say detectives executed a search warrant at the suspect's home on Gondolier Road in Spring Hill.

Officials say the teen's cellphones, tablet, and external hard drive were collected and are pending digital forensic examination.

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According to law enforcement, the teen was arrested and charged with three counts of possession of child pornography.

Deputies say, in accordance with the Department of Juvenile Justice, he is to be released to the custody of his parents.

The investigation is ongoing.

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