Sophie Buhai’s Baroque Pearl Crown Is the Only Accessory You Need to Ring In 2019

Take your holiday ensemble to new heights with Sophie Buhai’s baroque pearl–adorned satin headband.

In a year of larger-than-life trends (mille-feuille coats! out-to-there ruffles! sky-high thong sandals!), it’s one rather petite piece that won the most hearts in 2018: the not-so-humble hair accessory. After all, crystal-embellished claw clips and blingy barrettes are now a dime a dozen—and yet, masterful, minimalist tokens are nearly impossible to come by. “They’ve kind of gone extinct,” says jewelry designer Sophie Buhai, whose sumptuous silk bells-and-whistles-free scrunchies instantly shot to her best sellers list (and many an Instagram feed) since their launch last July.

Inspired by the old-school polish of Upper East Side and Beverly Hills women “in their 60s, 70s, and 80s” whose lengths are uniformly accented with an understated, high-end number, the Angeleno is putting her trademark timeless touch on two new headbands: one, a braided velvet take; the other, a black satin puffed power piece strung with a fistful of baroque pearls—an elegant palette cleanser amidst a sea of holiday paillettes and plumage.

“Everything else should be kept very simple,” advises Buhai, who recommends pairing the $1,475 investment accessory with a men’s blazer or black turtleneck, slacks, and “clean—but not blow-dried—hair” for the festivities ahead. “All you need is that headband and you’re good to go.” Consider it the ultimate five-second trick for taking your evening ensemble to new heights this season.

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