Rick Scott promotes his ‘rescue America’ plan in new Spanish-language ad

Pedro Portal/pportal@miamiherald.com

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is releasing a new Spanish-language TV ad promoting his 12-point “rescue America” plan, a controversial proposal of policy priorities that the Florida senator has been promoting for months.

Scott, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, says in the “¿Hasta Cuándo?” ad that his plan will “save American values” and “stop the socialist agenda.”

“The president likes to attack me because I talk about how Biden inflation is hurting the country,” Scott says in Spanish, in the ad paid by his federal political committee, Rick Scott for Florida. “Families paying more for gas, food, housing, everything. Until when?”

He continues, “That’s why I have a plan to rescue the United States.”

The ad will air in Florida and other Spanish TV markets around the country starting on Monday as part of the $75,000 buy, said NRSC communications director Chris Hartline.

The first version of the Trump-leaning agenda that Scott released in February drew widespread criticism from Republican leaders, President Joe Biden and Democrats over the wording of a tax hike proposal that read, “all Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount.” It added that “currently over half of Americans pay no income tax.”.

Months after defending his plan and denying it called to raise taxes on many low-income and disabled Americans, Scott walked back that wording last month, saying in a video that his Republican colleagues had asked him to “clarify” his position.

His staff insists the language was never a call to raise taxes, but rather a reflection that more unemployed Americans should find jobs, which in turn would lead to more people paying taxes.

The plan — which states men and women are “biologically different,” declares Democrats are “increasingly hostile toward people of faith” and calls for closing the U.S. Department of Education, among other things — now clarifies that “Americans who can work are living off of the hard work of others.”

“Able bodied Americans under 60, who do not have young children or incapacitated dependents, should work. We need them pulling the wagon and paying taxes, not sitting at home taking money from the government,” the plan reads. “Government must never again incentivize people to not work by paying them more to stay home.”

Scott has rolled out TV ads promoting his plan before, including one titled “Unfit” that calls for Biden to resign. Targeting seniors, Democrats launched a TV ad campaign in response to the backlash, slamming Scott over the initial language in the plan.
