Remember floppy disks? This supplier says business is booming

STORY: (Tim Persky, Floppy disk seller)

"If you think this is old, take a look at this. This is a floppy disk from the 1970s."

This man is believed to be the world's last known bulk supplier of floppy disks

Location: Lake Forest, California

even though it's been decades since we relied on the 3.5-inch disks

"People who go in the back of their warehouse and might find a pallet or two of the floppy disks and they're about to take them to the dump... They may call us up and say, 'Hey, will you take these off our hands?' And we say, 'Happily, yes."

Persky runs an online recycling service

and gets supplies from around the world

He says demand remains strong

"I would say the biggest users are people in the embroidery business. There are a lot of people in the tool and die business who use floppy disks."

"Most people don't know that about a third to a half of all of the aircraft flying today were built 20 years ago. And if you built a plane 20 or 30 or even 40 years ago, you would use a floppy disk to get information in and out of some of the avionics of that airplane."

Persky sells about 500 disks a day

but says he knows his days are numbered

"I'll be here for as long as people continue to want to have these disks. But it's not forever."
