A plane was spotted flying near Mar-a-Lago with a banner taunting Trump as the 'worst president ever'

trump plane
Former President Donald Trump. Getty
  • A plane with a banner calling Trump the "worst president ever" flew near his Mar-a-Lago resort this weekend.

  • Trump has been staying at Mar-a-Lago in Florida since he left the White House.

  • Another banner told Trump, "You pathetic loser go back to Moscow."

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A plane with a banner labeling Donald Trump the "worst president ever" was reportedly spotted this weekend flying near Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where he has been staying since he left the White House.

One banner said "Trump worst president ever," while another said "Trump you pathetic loser go back to Moscow," TMZ reported.

Daniel Uhlfelder, a lawyer, published photos of the banners on Twitter.

No one has claimed responsibility for the stunt.

The banner is reminiscent of an incident in 2018 where a man paraglided over Trump's Turnberry golf resort in Scotland to protest the president's visit. A banner trailing the man said "Trump: well below par #resist."

Trump was spotted golfing over the weekend at Mar-a-Lago, where he has stayed since leaving Washington, DC, last Wednesday before President Joe Biden's inauguration.

Laurence Leamer, the author of "Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump's Presidential Palace," said the mood there had become "dispirited" since Trump moved in.

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Leamer told MSNBC on Saturday that wealthy members were concerned that they would feature in newspaper reports about Trump, who faces multiple legal issues now that he is no longer president.

"A lot of people have quit Mar-a-Lago," Leamer said, adding that "it's a sad place for Trump to be hanging out."

Some of Trump's new neighbors are also unhappy about the prospect of him living at Mar-a-Lago full time.

A group of them last year wrote to Palm Beach officials and the US Secret Service arguing that Trump had no legal right to live at the resort, The Washington Post reported. They cited a legal precedent from an agreement he signed in 1993 to turn the residence into a club.

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