Pit bull thinks he’s a cat and loves to climb on furniture


Mako is a 2-year-old pit bull that acts more like a cat than a dog. You can follow his exploration of elevated surfaces on Instagram at mako_thecatdog. His owners Bethany and Samatha Castiller got him from a rescue.

“We joke that we didn’t really pick him, he picked us,” Bethany told The Dodo. “When we went to the rescue shelter he had his back against the cage so we started petting him and he looked over his shoulder and gave direct eye contact and we just fell in love with the little guy.”

The dog rescue assured the family that Mako would get along with their cats but that was an understatement. While they thought his behavior was strange at first, Bethany theorizes that Mako was previously raised with cats. That’s because he doesn’t bark, eats cat treats and he can climb.

“Whenever Mako sees the boys on the counters or cabinets he hops up to join them,” Bethany said. “He really just wants to be around the cats all the time. If he is not in the room with one of us humans, he’s with the cats.”

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