Money Manners: How Do You Typically Split the Restaurant Bill?

Fans of “Friends” might recall the episode in which the six main characters ate out at a spendy restaurant to celebrate Monica’s birthday. Chandler and Ross had good-paying jobs while Joey, Rachel and Phoebe were all broke and simply nibbled on celery sticks and drank water at the dinner. When the bill came, Ross divided by five, thinking all but the birthday girl would pay. The poor friends protested, pointing out they had barely eaten and then reminding the rich friends of the disparity in wallets.

Take Our Poll: How Do You Typically Split the Restaurant Bill?

In real life, you surely have run into similar scenarios. Maybe you go out with friends who drink expensive alcohol and then want to split the check, leaving you to pay double or triple your actual tab. Or maybe your dinner companions eat twice as much as you, again getting you to pay much more than you actually owe.

A recent GOBankingRates survey revealed that there is no consensus in how Americans pay for group dinners: 41% pay for what they ordered, 41% split the check evenly and 18% take turns covering the bill.

Take Our Poll: How Do You Typically Split the Restaurant Bill?

This article originally appeared on Money Manners: How Do You Typically Split the Restaurant Bill?
