Milwaukee hit-and-run; brothers killed, family wants answers

MILWAUKEE - A Milwaukee hit-and-run crash killed two brothers on Sunday, May 5.

Police records show this is not the first time the driver who fled the scene has been involved in a serious crash.

Three days after his brothers Ausberto and Michael were killed near 19th and Lincoln, Aquiles Gutierrez Ponce wants answers.

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"We lost a big loss for the family," said Gutierrez Ponce.

The brothers were hit around 2:45 a.m. According to Milwaukee police, the two were on foot in the street near the driver's side of a parked vehicle when they were hit. The parked vehicle was hit, too.

<div>Suspect vehicle from 19th and Lincoln hit and run</div>
Suspect vehicle from 19th and Lincoln hit and run

Later that day, police found the suspect's vehicle near 5th and Arthur and arrested a 33-year-old man. FOX6 is not naming the man, because he has not been formally charged, but police records show it is not the first crash he was wanted for.

Just a week prior, he was charged with several felonies related to a multi-vehicle crash that happened in March 2023. Investigators said he was drunk, and the crash left a woman seriously hurt.

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"Why this person not in jail?" said Gutierrez Ponce. "Why this person driving again and doing again these things?"

Gutierrez Ponce said his brothers were hard workers and came to the U.S. for a better life. Now, the family hopes to find peace with someone held responsible.

The district attorney's office said it is expecting charges in the coming days. Meanwhile, the family set up a GoFundMe online fundraiser to help with funeral expenses; they hope to hold the funeral back home in Nicaragua.
