Michael Bloomberg's Twitter got really weird during the debate — but he wasn't hacked

Michael Bloomberg's campaign tweeted such bizarre things during the debate last night that people thought the account had been hacked. His campaign, however, confirmed that it wasn't.

The former New York Mayor wasn't on stage at the seventh Democratic presidential debate in Iowa on Tuesday, but he instead tried to appeal to voters with a strange mix of tweets about everything from meatballs to Lady Gaga.

The tweets started off normal enough, sharing "interesting facts" about the candidate.

Things started to take a strange turn when supporters were asked to test their political knowledge and "SPOT THE MEATBALL THAT LOOKS LIKE MIKE" along with a photo of meatballs, one of which had Bloomberg's face on it.

"Mike," as he is apparently referred to by staffers, dished out some hot takes on pizza.

And some sick burns on Trump.

One of the more interesting facts among the seemingly hundreds is that Bloomberg "can telepathically communicate with dolphins."

Another interesting fact? He plans on singing "Shallow" with Lady Gaga in lieu of an inaugural address, if elected. The world witnessing such an event is potentially a very good reason to elect Bloomberg.

The fun and games stopped when Bloomberg tweeted a clip of President Trump at a rally in Wisconson, a battleground state that is impactful in the fate of the 2020 election.

"This is not a joke," Bloomberg tweeted.

People on Twitter were absolutely sure the account was hacked.

But Bloomberg campaign spokeswoman Gail Slayen told CNN the campaign was just "trying something fun." Apparently the campaign even warned supporters with an email saying it would be tweeting out "fun stuff."

"The debate is tonight. And since Mike isn't taking donations, he won't be on stage. But we'll be watching and tweeting stuff. Fun stuff. The very best stuff. Some say it's the best stuff in the world," CNN reported the email said. "Join us on the Team Bloomberg 2020 Twitter account if you'd like to follow along. We'd love for you to be a part of the fun."
