What it means to dream about flying, according to an expert

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Were you soaring in your dreams recently? Dreams of flying are considered among the most exhilarating.

They also pack an emotional significance. Dreams about flying represent freedom, expansion and higher dimensions of consciousness.

As a lucid dream teacher and the author of The Alchemy of Your Dreams, I help people come to insights about recurrent patterns and symbols that pop up in their dreams, like dreams of flying.

Read on for a few possible explanations of your miles-high dreaming.

I dreamed I was flying. What does that mean?

Dreams of flying are symbolic of freedom, liberation and empowerment. They can represent a desire to break free from limitations or constraints in your waking life.

Flying dreams may also indicate a need to take a step back in order to gain a different perspective on your current circumstances.

This dream may reflect a need for self-reflection, as if you are observing yourself from an outside point of view. What is the higher perspective of your life?

Overall, this dream may be encouraging you to explore new possibilities, embrace your independence and gain a fresh outlook on life. It's saying, "Feel good, to reach high and go for it!"

Or, the dream is a reflection of the fact that you are already doing these things in your life.

I dreamed I was flying like a bird and felt totally free until I saw other birds. What does that mean?

This dream may be altering you to how you feel about intimate or familial relationships. The fact that you felt free in the dream when you were independent is the key message here. Ask yourself: "Am I ready to be in a relationship? Is it better to be single for the time being?"

Take some time to consider your partnerships, friendships and any sort of relational pattern. It is not really about other people but how you feel about connecting to other people.

I dreamed I was flying in a plane to a good destination. What does that mean?

This dream is a sign that you are moving in a positive direction in your waking life. You are the pilot, in control of your actions and decisions.

The fact that you were headed towards a good destination shows that your life is unfolding in a way you like. The dream may be telling you to simply keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the ride.

I dreamed I was flying over water. What does that mean?

Within dream symbolism, water is thought to represent our subconscious feelings, emotions and beliefs. In this case, you are flying high above the depths of your subconscious mind.

This dream may be alerting you to the fact that you are avoiding how you feel, or alternatively that you are taking an observer role in your life.

Self-reflection is important, as you don’t want to get so high up in the clouds that you lose sight of what is happening at a ground level. Pay attention to your foundations and your relationships. Ask yourself: am I in my life or watching it happen?

You don’t want to end up in a situation where you are disconnected from your inner world. Journaling and practices like art therapy could help you to reconnect with your subconscious.

I dreamed I was flying away from danger and woke up a stressed. What does that mean?

This dream is alerting you to the fact that you either need to move away from anything dangerous or threatening in your life, or that you are already doing so and should keep going.

The "threat" or "danger" could be a relationship, job, place or anything that makes you feel uneasy.

The main thing to do here is to ask yourself: What makes me feel unsafe? Then look to see what you can actively do about the situation. This dream is telling you that you have the ability to rise above the situation.

I dreamed I was flying and could see myself lying in my bed. What does that mean?

This dream scenario may be telling you to leave behind challenges and obstacles in your waking life. Or, you may need to address any actions or behaviors that have caused you to lie in the metaphoric bed you’ve made.

Did you look peaceful sleeping in your bed? What were you doing? If you can answer those questions, you will likely get to the root of your subconscious motivators and emotions.

I dreamed that I was flying and went to my old hometown. What does this dream mean?

This dream may indicate that you are now ready to face your past and to see it from a higher perspective, via flying. This dream suggests a willingness to embrace growth and change.

Reflect on your emotions and thoughts surrounding your old home and childhood and consider how those feelings may be surfacing in your current life. Is there something that is happening in your life right now that feels like an echo from the past?

If so, your dream may be telling you to view things from a higher point of view. In other words, don’t fall into repetitive patterns.

I dreamed that I was flying a spaceship in a futuristic place. What does that mean?

This dream may indicate a desire for progress and adventure.

Flying can symbolize freedom, ambition, and a desire for exploration or escape, and the spaceship may represent a vehicle for transformation or advancement in your life.

The futuristic setting may suggest a forward-thinking mindset or a sense of anticipation for future possibilities.

I dreamed I was happily flying and then all of a sudden, I started to fall and could not stop. I woke up sweating. What does that mean?

Symbolically, flying offers us a sense of freedom and freedom while being in control.

However, the sudden change in your dream may suggest a fear of losing control or a sense of vulnerability in your waking life. It could be related to a situation where you feel overwhelmed, uncertain or like things are spinning out of control.

This dream may be asking you to address any areas in your life where you may be struggling to maintain control or a sense of stability.

Be honest with yourself and seek to understand any behaviors that need to be brought back into balance. Moderation here may be the answer.

I dreamed I was flying and then all of a sudden, a strange dream figure grabbed my hand. We flew together. I wasn’t afraid — it just felt surprising. What does that mean?

The sudden appearance of a strange dream figure could symbolize a part of yourself that you're not familiar with. This is a new aspect of yourself that you are coming into contact with because you are flying high or want to be.

Oftentimes, in order to reach goals and take a leap toward a bright future, we are required to get uncomfortable. This dream represents this kind of leap.

The strange dream figure that grabs your hand shows you that you will have the support and be able to fly forward. That support could be internalized or come from the outside world.

Although the surprise may have initially caught you off guard, the lack of fear in the dream indicates a willingness to embrace change and explore the unknown.

This dream could also be a reflection of your openness to new experiences and a subconscious encouragement to move forward confidently. You are opening yourself up to help along the way — help that you may not be accustomed to just yet.

I dreamed that I flew to another planet where I met another life form. What does that mean?

Flying to another planet and meeting another life form in your dream can symbolize a desire for exploration, new experiences and a sense of curiosity. It may suggest that you are seeking different perspectives or looking for something beyond your current reality.

This dream could also indicate a desire for connection or a longing to discover new aspects of yourself or the world around you.

It may be worth exploring these feelings of curiosity in your waking life and finding ways to satisfy them, whether through travel, learning or engaging in new activities.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
