Latino voters favor Abbott policies - What's Your Point?

HOUSTON - Our friend Dr. Sergio Lira reacting to a potentially game-changing trend in Texas politics

"They are living in the suburban areas and being influenced by republican policies and really shying away from the democratic policy of the working class and helping urban cities with social programs "

That is, polling by Dr. Mark Jones for the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation found half of our state's likely Latino voters support the new Texas law making illegal immigration a state crime....and Hispanic voter support is even higher for Abbott’s policy of spending billions of state dollars on border security.

Mark Jones said, "For democrats to have any hope of winning a statewide election in Texas they need at least two-thirds, if not something like three-quarters, of the Latino vote. The reality is today when we look at the polls, republicans appear to be winning or at least are tied with Democrats in terms of Hispanic votes. "

I try not to use the term "game changer" lightly - but unless Democrats do something to recapture Latino votes, their political prospects are grim at best for the foreseeable future.
