LA Rams' Bobby Wagner Tackles Protester Who Ran Onto Field

Los Angeles Rams linebacker Bobby Wagner tackled an animal rights protester who ran onto the field during his team’s Monday night game against the 49ers on October 3.

Footage by Neil Pezzullo shows the activist being chased by security while letting off a pink smoke flare, before being knocked to the ground by Wagner.

“I just saw somebody running on the field and he wasn’t supposed to be on the field,” Wagner said, in video by Sacramento Bee reporter Cameron Salerno.

“I saw security was having a little problem, so I helped them out,” he said.

According to the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere, the protester disrupted the game to draw attention to the trial of two activists facing prison time for taking two piglets from a Utah farm. Credit: Neil Pezzullo via Storyful

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