Illinois Rep. Sean Casten opens up about his 17-year-old daughter's death: 'There are no words'

Courtesy of Rep. Sean Casten

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten and his family are opening up about his 17-year-old daughter who died overnight on Sunday.

In a post shared to social media, Casten and his family spoke about the late teen, named Gwen, and detailed her last hours of life.

"On Sunday night, we had dinner as a family and then she went out with some friends for a few hours. When she got home, she said goodnight to Kara and I, texted a friend to make sure she got home OK, and didn’t wake up on Monday morning," the statement said, in part. "The only thing we know about her death is that it was peaceful. And the only lesson we can take from that is to savor the moments you have with your loved ones."

"We want purpose. We want to believe in a brighter tomorrow. But the only thing we can control is our present."

In the statement, the family wrote that there were "no words to describe the hole in your heart when a child dies."

Related: Illinois Rep. Sean Casten announces his 17-year-old daughter, Gwen, has died

They added that she had been a "happy, healthy, well adjusted young woman," who was looking forward to her freshman year of college, where she planned to study environmental science.

Her family said she'd been an activist, working to change gun laws, protect the environment, support Black Lives Matter and register students to vote.

Their sentiments echoed Gwen's appearance in her father's campaign video earlier this month. In the clip, she said she was excited to turn 18 and be able to vote for her father in his bid for a third term in Congress.

"To all asking what they can do, we ask only that you live your lives as Gwen lived hers. Savor the moments," her family said in the Wednesday statement. "Use every ounce of energy you have to ensure a better, more tolerant, more generous, more loving tomorrow. Not because you know that your tomorrow will come, but because you know that someone else’s will. Lead with Love."

Casten has been in office since 2018. According to his website, he's a scientist and the first Democrat to represent the 6th district in nearly 50 years.

Casten, 50, and his wife, Kara, are also parents of Audrey, 15.
