Getting To Know: Tyler Schultz, Chenango Valley senior swimmer

Tyler Schultz, Chenango Valley swimming.
Tyler Schultz, Chenango Valley swimming.

This is the latest in a series of Q&A sessions with local athletes/sports personalities.

Name: Tyler Joseph Schultz.

School: Chenango Valley.

Year in school: Senior.

Sport: Swimming.

College destination: Binghamton University.

Build me the ideal sub/hoagie. Heated or not so much?

“I really like meatball subs but I’m not a big toppings guy. It’s got to be heated up but not so much that I burn my tongue.”

Trophy/plaque/framed certificate you are most proud of? Where in your home is that displayed?

“I’m most proud of my 100-yard breaststroke Section 4 record holding certificate. It felt like my whole swim career had been leading up to that goal of breaking the record and I finally was able to do that at States last year. Right now, it’s on my fridge but I don’t really look at it much to not grow complacent with where I am.”

Favorite of the four seasons? Favorite outdoor activity in that season?

“Summer is my favorite season because there’s no school and it’s warm out. I love to play basketball in the summer along with football.”

Have you mastered the art of driving a stick-shift vehicle? If not, do you intend to?

“I haven’t tried yet but after the season I want to learn to drive my Dad’s Camaro and my Grandpa’s Corvette.”

Go-to in-meet snack/beverage between events?

“It’s pretty hard for me to eat at meets but I try to take a couple bites of a protein bar. I mostly drink a lot of water and some electrolytes.”

Enter the building from snowy parking lot and 6-above nothin’ temperature for an early-morning practice … How difficult to talk yourself into that pool?

“I’m pretty good at making myself get in for morning practice, but some days it is pretty rough. I try to get in first so I can splash my teammates who haven’t gotten in yet.”

Favorite subject in school? And one that just never grabbed you?

“I find any tech class at least somewhat enjoyable because it’s usually hands-on and low stress. I’ve never been a big fan of English. Writing is pretty boring for me and takes a lot of work.”

Music in your ear buds to fire you up for a meet/event?

“50 Cent, Pop Smoke, and 2pac are my go-to artists before races. I’d say 50 Cent is my most played and anything from his album Get Rich or Die Tryin gets me going.”

Any part-time job?

“I worked at Binghamton University over the summer in the Watson School I.T. Department. Most of the job was getting the labs and classrooms ready for the start of the semester by replacing old monitors and keyboards.”

More: Chenango Valley swimmer Tyler Schultz voted Athlete of Week for events ending Jan. 13

Why swimming?

“I started swimming because my older siblings both swam and I was bored of watching their practice from the bleachers.”

If not for swimming, what might have been your No. 1 sport?

“I think I would’ve been a really good wrestler. I wrestled until I was in 6th grade when I had to pick between that and swimming. I was better at swimming so I just stuck with that. I did one tournament for wrestling and I pinned everyone I went against, so at least I went out on top.”

Team function, all seniors must do one karaoke song. What’d be your choice? Might you have any game or would it be a disaster?

“I would probably do “I Know” by Travis Scott. In my head I sound a lot better than I do on video, but I think it would be decent. It could also be absolutely terrible, but there’s a chance that it’s good.”

Complete the sentence: “I’d not have achieved what I have athletically if not for … ”

“My brother Mikey. I got to swim with Mikey when I was in 7th and 8th grade on the team, and seeing the work he put in motivated me to get better. I was always trying to chase the times that he went when he was my age. Even now we are about the same speed and whenever we get to practice together it’s always fun racing against him.”

Follow Kevin Stevens on Twitter @PSBKevin. You can also reach him at

This article originally appeared on Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Getting To Know: Tyler Schultz, Chenango Valley senior swimmer
