Georgian TV Host’s Expletive-Laden, Anti-Putin Rant Leads to Station Temporarily Going Off-Air

Georgian news presenter Giorgi Gabunia went off-script on live television Monday, hurling strongly-worded insults at Russian President Vladimir Putin and his late mother.

Rustavi 2, Georgia’s main commercial television channel, went off the air for a few hours after the outburst as a crowd of protestors gathered outside, according to the BBC. The station later apologized for Gabunia’s remarks. In a statement posted on its website, Rustavi 2 said Gabunia violated “the high standards established by our channel.” The station later announced it has suspended Gabunia for two months.

Here’s a light sampling of some of the least expletive-heavy phrases Gabunia aimed at Putin, as translated from Russian by the BBC: “There is no place for such a miserable creature like you, such a freak like you. You are stinking invader… Your mom is dead. Oh, that’s a pity. It really is. Let her burn in hell. Together with you and your father.”

Yikes. You can watch the clip above.

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Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said of the comments, “We consider these insults totally unacceptable… All this is simply consequence of the [Georgian] state’s reluctance or inability to restrain extremist youths,” according to the BBC.

“This is a war by provocateurs against their country, a dirty and disgusting game with the security of the state and citizens,” said Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze, according to the BBC.

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Gabunia’s outburst comes at a time when tensions are high between Georgia and Russia. The Associated Press reported that as of Monday, all direct flights between Georgia and Russia have been halted due to a direct order from Putin, following anti-Russian protests in Georgia’s capital city of Tbilisi.

Read original story Georgian TV Host’s Expletive-Laden, Anti-Putin Rant Leads to Station Temporarily Going Off-Air At TheWrap
