Find out how your favorite Beaufort County restaurants fared in June inspections

Photo by Pexels from Pixabay

Ever wondered about the cleanliness of a restaurant kitchen in Beaufort County?

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control publishes the results of health inspections on its website.

Restaurants are given a grade of A to C, depending on the conditions found at the time of an inspection. Points are docked for a variety of infractions, such as food temperatures, equipment sanitation and employee hygiene, among others.

No restaurants in Beaufort County scored a C on a routine or follow-up inspection in June 2022.

Five restaurants scored a B on a routine or follow-up inspection, but all were able to turn that score to an A before the end of the month.

Below are the SC DHEC restaurant grades in Beaufort County from June 1-30, 2022. At the top of the chart, there are arrows to click from page 1 to page 2.
