Elizabeth Chambers Hammer wants to help spice up your Valentine’s Day with a new Baileys cake-in-a-jar


Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to shower the special people in your life with love and gifts. While the traditional hallmark card, chocolates and teddy combo is always a safe bet, Elizabeth Chambers Hammer thinks a great way to spice up a Vday gift is with cake and alcohol.

The Bird Bakery founder, mother of two and wife of Armie Hammer recently partnered with Baileys Irish Cream Liqueur to create a sweet treat for your sweetie.

"I have loved Baileys for as long as I can remember," Chambers Hammer exclaimed. "My very fondest memories always included Baileys, and I always say the best indulgence in life is a cupcake -- but the only way to make it better is to make it a boozy cupcake."

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Although Chambers Hammer and her team have incorporated Baileys into their cupcakes in the past, the limited-edition Valentine’s Day-inspired Baileys Love Bird Jar is an innovative remix of her classic vanilla cupcake recipe.

"We've always had Baileys on our menu for March, so we've loved the product for so long. [However], the strawberries and cream was next level and we just knew we had to do something with it for Valentine's Day," she explained.

Baileys Love Bird Jar is made of Bird Bakery’s signature vanilla cupcake blended with fresh strawberries and topped with Baileys seasonal offerings infused with a Strawberries & Cream buttercream to complete the delicious treat. The cupcake, sold at both Bird Bakery locations and online, is available for purchase February 1 through February 15. It comes premixed in a jar so everyone can have access to it and enjoy the romantic dessert.

Take a look at the treats in the slideshow below:

According to the National Retail Federation, consumers are predicted to spend over $20 billion this Valentine's Day. And with the boozy recipe, Chambers Hammer hopes to encourage gift givers to think outside of the box when it comes to spoiling their loved ones. After all, it's one of the entrepreneur's favorite holidays.

"There's so many people in our lives that we love, and [we should] do something special for all of those people," Chambers Hammers said.
