Dreaming about frogs? Why these dreams are actually considered lucky

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Found yourself surrounded by frogs in your dreams lately and wondered what it meant? The answer may surprise you!

As a professional dream interpreter and the author of The Alchemy of Your Dreams and the Deliberate Dreamer's Journal, I help people figure out their dream meanings and come to insights about recurrent patterns and symbols that pop up in their dreams like dreaming about frogs.

Dreams of frogs can represent freedom, fertility, money, and quantum leaps in consciousness. They alert us to possibilities of wealth, renewal and transformation. They are, in short, a good luck charm.

Read on for the spiritual and practice meaning of various common scenarios found in frog dreams, like frogs jumping on you, frogs in your house or even frogs chasing you.

I dreamed a frog jumped on me. What does that mean?

This dream may be your psyche’s way of telling you that now's the right time to take a leap forward, even if that leap is first made in your consciousness.

Can you imagine leaping positively forward? What does that look like to you in your mind’s eye? Are you willing to do what is necessary to get there? Your dream would indicate that the time is now! Get going.

I dreamed a frog jumped into my mouth and I was horrified. What does that mean?

A mouth full of frog — what an interesting dream! The fact that you felt horrified in the dream represents the core message of what you are dealing with. What in your waking life is making you feel like you cannot speak?

The problem likely has to do with a situation that is represented by the symbol of the frog.

So, when you think of frogs, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Frogs croak and actually make quite a lot of noise. Do you feel like you are croaking away but that no one is listening to your horror?

The best place to start is with how you honestly feel. That said, more details on the context of what is happening in the dreamer’s waking life will further illuminate this dream meaning.

I dreamed I kissed a frog. What does that mean?

Ever heard of the fairytale of a princess who had to kiss a frog to find her prince? Well, this kind of dream may be alerting you to the ways you're hoping to turn your life into a fairytale, especially in the realm of relationships.

Are you waiting for a partner to come and rescue you or to sweep you off your feet? Do you feel like you’ve dated your fair share of toads and are ready to meet your prince charming? This kind of dream may simply be narrating how you feel about your relationship status.

Frogs, as symbols in fairytales, also represent metamorphosis. The princess needs to kiss the frog to turn him into a prince. As such, there may be something in your life that is like the frog. It may seem like nothing important or special — but may turn out to be absolute gold. This also doesn’t necessarily need to be about a person. It could be work related or even about a property.

The kiss is like a stamp of approval in this dream scenario. What on the surface of your life may appear less than but in fact turn out to be very beneficial? Dig deep and reflect on which situation you actively find yourself in. You have the answers you seek within you.

I dreamed a frog jumped into my glass of water. What does that mean?

Water is necessary for life, so when a frog jumps into your glass it may be a sign that you need to transform an aspect of your health. Do you feel healthy? Are you taking nourishing steps towards well-being and wholeness? Do you need to leap into better circumstances that are more life-giving (just like the frog did in your dream)?

Frogs spend most of their time in water, so this kind of dream may be telling you to move toward what is nourishing for you. Pay attention and act in a way that is good for your overall health and wellbeing.

This kind of dream can also indicate a desire to become pregnant. This may sound strange, but frogs often represent fertility. The fact that the frog jumped into your water may signal that you are ready to become a parent or that there is a possibility that a child is on the way. Alternatively, it may be a dream signaling to you that you should pay attention if you don’t want to have children.

I dreamed there were hundreds of frogs in my house. They were croaking away but not really doing anything else. What does that mean?

This kind of dream may be alerting you to the inner voices that are taking up room in your consciousness. They don’t do anything other than make noise.

Ask yourself: What inner voices are playing on repeat in your mind? Do they tell you a good story, one that is beneficial, loving and kind?

This dream may be showing you are due for a spring cleaning of the mind. Sometimes we internalize the voices from the people we grew up with. Other times we internalize our own inner critic. It is helpful and important to be able to witness the voices that are playing on repeat within your own consciousness and mind. After all, do you want a hundred frogs in your consciousness all croaking away? Get clarity and clear your mind of any superfluous noise.

I dreamed there were frogs everywhere. I could not take a step without standing on a frog. What does that mean?

This dream may be showing you that no matter the direction you take a positive outcome will likely ensue!

I dreamed I was running away from frogs that were trying to jump onto me and into my handbag. What can this mean?

Are you metaphorically running away from money? How do you feel about your finances? This kind of dream may be alerting you to the fact that you are getting in your own way when it comes to receiving money.

Frogs as dream symbols often signify financial wealth and so by avoiding the frog you may be avoiding receiving money in your life.

Sometimes, this comes to down to not feeling worthy enough of receiving wealth. It may be helpful to work with someone who can help you to unpack the subconscious narrative that you have surrounding money and wealth.

I dreamed a poisonous, red and yellow frog jumped off a tree and landed on my hand. What does my dream mean?

How well are you handling a toxic or "poisonous" relationship or situation in your life?

This kind of dream is telling you to pay attention to the people you are romantically connected with and to do the necessary emotional and psychological work to develop healthy boundaries and relationships.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
