Daughter calls out ‘Facetune Mom’ for editing photos to make her look thinner

If you’ve never heard of a Facetune Mom, allow TikToker Sabrina Coleman to explain.

“I'm the child of a Facetune Mom. My mom edits the crap out of all of her pictures, and she also edits the crap out of me,” Coleman, 22, began a now-viral video.

Coleman has the receipts. She shows an image that her mother, Sherry Kuo, posted on social media. Then she shares the untouched version. In the altered picture, Coleman's arm and waist have been trimmed.

“Yeah, she slimmed me down a lot,” Coleman noted.

Coleman also included other examples, like the time Kuo thinned out her arm to the point where it was unrecognizable.

Later in the clip, Coleman assures followers that she loves Kuo and they have a good relationship.

“Most people have been commenting that what she does is really terrible and I should care a lot more than I do,” Coleman tells TODAY.com.

Kuo, 60, grew up in China where beauty standards for women include: having pale skin, being skinny, and having wide eyes, according to Coleman.

“She always felt pressure to look a certain way and that’s a big part of where she’s coming from,” Coleman says. “If I call her out on it, she’s like, ‘I’m Chinese, you’re very American,' and I get it. I do.'"

When Coleman was in her teens, Kuo would retouch photos of her daughter so that her complexion appeared lighter. It wasn't until Coleman turned 20 that Kuo began editing her daughter’s body.

“The first time she did it, I remember my jaw dropped a little — but I wasn’t offended. It was more like, ‘Oh! OK. I wasn’t expecting that,’” Coleman recalls. “But I wasn’t upset, because I have context, and I know it’s not coming from a bad place.”

Coleman practices body neutrality and says she laughs off Kuo’s offers to pay for a diet meal delivery service.

“I’ve worked hard to have a healthy relationship with my body,” Coleman says. “I've been able to learn self-acceptance — and I hope that one day, my mom will, too. She just signed up for a dating website and she was like, ‘Can you choose some photos that actually look like me?’ I had to scroll through her camera roll — she has 100,000 pictures by the way — to find ones that weren’t Facetuned.”

Colman's followers sounded off in the comments section.

"Not my hairdresser face tuning the s*** out of my picture the other week, I didn’t even recognise myself," one person wrote with a crying emoji.

Added another, "so real my mom used to edit my acne and it always rubbed me the wrong way."

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
