Crocodiles eat 2-year-old girl alive in Cambodia

A 2-year-old girl was eaten alive on Monday after she fell into a crocodile pit at her family's farm in Cambodia, The Sun reports.

Rom Roath Neary allegedly wandered away from her house near Siem Reap while her mother was caring for her newborn. When the toddler's father, Min Min, returned home from work around 10 a.m., he noticed his daughter was missing and went to look for her.

To his horror, Min Min discovered the child's skull stripped of flesh in a concrete enclosure where the crocodiles swim in a pool, according to Lieutenant Och Sophen, chief of Siem Reap commune police. Though the family had recently built a 10-foot-high fence around the compound, law enforcement said the barrier still had gaps that were big enough for children.

"When the father came back home, he couldn’t find his daughter in the house," Sophen explained. "He found a skull in the crocodile enclosure. He confirmed that the daughter fell into the crocodile enclosure and that the crocodiles killed her, leaving only her skull."

Heartbreaking photos published in the aftermath of the tragic incident show the toddler's mother weeping as she holds her daughter's remains.

"We convey our condolences to the family," Sophen said. "The mother hugged her daughter’s head, shocked. We appeal to all families who have crocodile farms to pay attention to all family members, especially small children."
