Bus driver saves 2 kids wandering alone in 18-degree weather

Nicole Chamberlain was on her regular bus route in Waukesha, Wis., on Nov. 11 when she noticed something strange.

From her window, she could see two kids walking alone on the snow-covered sidewalk towards a busy intersection. Knowing that there was no school bus stop nearby nor an elementary school within walking distance, Chamberlain recognized she needed to get involved.

Footage obtained from the bus's security camera shows Chamberlain's real-time reaction to seeing the bare legs of the younger of the two children, a 2-year-old girl, walking through the 18-degree snow.

"I knew right away I had to pull over and help them," Chamberlain told "Good Morning America," which aired the footage during a segment on Wednesday.

Chamberlain is then seeing rushing outside and carrying the 2-year-old girl onto the bus, closely followed by her 6-year-old brother. As she called 911, Chamberlain took off her jacket and wrapped it around the little girl's legs.

"I said, 'What's going on?' and they said, 'We're looking for grandma,'" Chamberlain recalled.

The police were able to locate the grandmother quickly, who arrived at the bus within minutes. According to "Good Morning America," the grandmother told Chamberlain and police that she had been watching the kids and had gone into her basement, leading the kids to believe she had left the house. The two went out to look for her and got lost in the process.

"If that were to happen to my children, I would hope that there would be a decent human being that would stop and help my kids," Chamberlain said.

Chamberlain says the kids are extra lucky she was there: She was on the road five minutes earlier than usual for her pick-up and had she been right on schedule, she might not have seen the kids.

Watch the full story above in the "Good Morning America" clip above.
